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Did Aliens Build The Pyramids?


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they know how old the pyramid is by radioactive isotopes....and they can dig holes to see how far down it is..and every movement leaves a mark...

just guessing..but i'm sure that can be done..or there is some simple way of doing it...

what a load of bollocks though :P

I'm afraid they can't...

They can date any bone/organic matter in there by isotopic methods.

They can't date the actual material used.

I guess the pyramids are made of bricks made of sand and a cement. You can date the ago of the sand (quartz grains), but that just tells you when they were formed. Which could be millions of years before they were made into blocks by aliens/Eygptions.

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More people should realise this, I find it quite annoying that humanity wants to discover everything.

I havent watched the video's as I can't be bothered atm, but I will watch them later.

Pretty sure I will find it all laughable, the whole idea of aliens always cracks me up, can't believe some people acutally believe that.

Not saying that it's wrong if you believe in aliens or anything though, just don't believe in it myself =]

'After the practically infinite number of planets found so far in the universe, there is no chance one might be similar to ours'

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I guess the pyramids are made of bricks made of sand and a cement. You can date the ago of the sand (quartz grains), but that just tells you when they were formed. Which could be millions of years before they were made into blocks by aliens/Eygptions.

good point...

They can date any bone/organic matter in there by isotopic methods.

maybe there's some trapped mosquitos?


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They didn't actually make the rock at the time so you can't use half lifes of isotopes etc etc to find the age of the pyramids, merely when the rocks were formed millions of years prior to any species of human existing.

Another point, it only ever seems to be Americans making up these ludacris stories and voicing their insane opinions in films. I think there must be something in the water over there.

Edited by ZeroMatt
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"There is no hard evidence that the pyramids were ever intended as burial tombs for the Pharaoh Kings." Well surely they weren't anyway as they wouldn't have been built in time before the kings died..? For instance, "Oh we have a new king, lets start building this for when he dies", *Years later* Finished, lets put this dead dude in it, just around the same time as he died, we had finished, fancy that..."

Isnt that exactly what they did do? the pharao had them built for when the died...

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Isnt that exactly what they did do? the pharao had them built for when the died...

"There is no hard evidence that the pyramids were ever intended as burial tombs for the Pharaoh Kings."

Mehh, who knows?

Edited by James-M
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'in five thousand years, the great pyramid weighing 14 billion pounds, has settled a half inch'

how the HECK are they supposed to know that!?!

its all bull, although part of me wants to believe it!


Its easy to weight it they get a helicopter with a newton meter and then attach it to the top of the pyramid and weigh it.

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