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f**ktarded Style


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Yeah man I agree with loads of people in this thread, from looking at that pic I'd say pull your bars back a bit, and leave your levers where they are. I set my bike up so that my levers follow the path of my arms when I'm on the bike normally, so they point nearly to the floor, but then when I'm on the back they're perfect. So yeah pull your bars back and bring your elbows down to your side. I think it's partly the bars that are doing it, cos you're having to lean pretty far forward to hold them... thinking about it now, it must be SO uncomfy to ride :/ But yeah... Hope I've been of some help.

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TO be honest why is it a problem

Its not a massive problem i just dont want it to hold me back and not enjoy going a bit bigger :)

From looking at that picture of you on the KO (Nice bike btw

It was bent.... then i came in drunk and drilled it.... hope it snapps soon so i can get a better frame! hahaha nothing too personal just when you f**ked jack about with the replacment it really annoyed me.... meh rides well i guess hahaha

Anyway, Looks like your mate needs to grease his BB and crank arms a little lol.

Its me not a mate! and yea thats an old vid as said before :)

Thanks for that Danny! i did go out yesterday actually and i think i stood up more and didn't feel so hunched! hopefully it will just happen without me thinking about it too much soon. And yea would be good for a ride out sometime :)

thinking about it now, it must be SO uncomfy to ride :/ But yeah... Hope I've been of some help.

But thats the thing... its totally comfy! and as for the levers bit i always have my levers at different heights because i don't cover the front brake when im on the rear wheel.... but it sounds like something i can have a lil experiment with i guess! so thanks man :)

When i first started i used to ride exactly like that. Take your time ont rear wheel, lower your bum, bend knees more and bend elbows more :)

Well you know im no amateur ive been riding over 2 years just not very strong on the rear wheel doing much static...

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You sidehop with your main foot next to the wall

I do that too do you reckon its worth a change or will I be ok like that ?

I used to do that, and then made the change. i think its worth the change as it has been beneficial, but if you decide not to its not the end of the world.

In reply to the thread, simpson mate, you're doing fine. Style can't be taught, it comes with experience and the ability to feel totally comfortable on the bike. Posture and style are worth thinking about and if you are aware of them then thats a good thing, but you don't need to change it, the change will happen naturally with time! Hope its going well man (Y)

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1. Tilt bars forward more

2. Lift brake levers up more

3. Put your elbows right down against your rib cage. I think the main problem is your elbows are way too far out. Looks like your trying to fly away. I'm similar when i ride a mod.

Anyway do the 3 things above, see what happens.

Also, get a picture of yourself on a stock.

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my advice would be try not to rely on the hop try and do side hops by doing a half pedal stroke to bring the front up and then try and balance with no hop (only use it when really vital) this will make you have to lean your body weight back and straighten your arms out as you will never balance in the position you are in at the mo.

practice practice practice.

also try and get to a gym and strengthen up your back muscles then you wont need to use your arms in the manor you are at the mo

hope this helps buddy

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You sidehop with your main foot next to the wall

I do that too do you reckon its worth a change or will I be ok like that ?

Urm well ive just started sidehops after 3 years of riding. I just find it more natural to go that way becuase its the way i spin and i find it easier to throw my weight this way, i dont have any problems with average heights, ill only swap if i find my foot tapping the wall :)

simpson mate, you're doing fine. Style can't be taught, it comes with experience and the ability to feel totally comfortable on the bike.

Yea i think im getting more used to it now deffo :)

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i used to me like that on my mod and i found my back constantly hert. i figured mods were simply to small or atleast mine was so i moved onto stock and everythings better can do more stuff more controlled and i dont hunch up and kill my back. try ridin a stock for abit and see if that helps.


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Interesting Fact: Your style is identical to former Trials-Forum moderator Lewis.

Geez someones almost as shit as me! haha no im trying to improve it... i want to be street trialsy.... but im just unable to do it :( darn

f**ktarded or not, you're still sexy Simps ;)

Hahaha no-ones questioning that :P hahaha

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