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Big Thankyou To Cleanbikes!

Sam Oliver

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Lets be honest here Rich, its his personal opinion about cleanbikes, he can say whathelikes as long as he is saying it for him and not for any one else.

3 day ban??? :o

I onlycome on every week or so usually ayway......................

It does actually state in the guidlines about pointless posts (I couldn't see anything relevant about his post) and about inflamatory remarks (let alone ones that just plain don't make sense: I wasn't aware a shop could have a sexuality, or as Dave may have pointed out, be happy).

And yeah, the 3 day ban thing; my bad :$ (been sorted now). I'm new to this whole modding thing, it's really not as simple as I thought it would be. I mean seriously, where are all the dancing girls and champagne?



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