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Buy My Music For Oli's Mini!


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Right folks, remember I said I was bringing out a DVD with ALL MY MIXES FROM 2007 on?

Well, it's ready now.

All I want to do is cover postage costs and DVD costs, the rest I will donate to Oli's Mini Fund.

Price: £6 Inc. P&P. Postage will cost, what, 50p? DVD's are about a fiver a pack so say another 50p per sale until cost is met...

So, £4 (EDIT: £5!! My Maths is poor, only just seen this! I am making NO profit from this DVD) or more will be given to the fund for each sale.

What do you get?

1 x DVD packed with mixes from Drum & Bass to Techno, Eclectic beats to Funky House.

It's just like donating to the fund directly, but you get a load of music too...

I can't afford to donate anything myself, and thought this would be a nice way to raise extra money.

Reply here or PM me if you're interested in a DVD.

Please visit: http://www.peteduffield.co.uk/oli/index.html for the address to post cheques to & find out who has already bought a DVD (Or more than one!).


Edited by TheScientist
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Right, as an update, thanks for the interest / PM's.

I realised after posting this that my bank account got closed last month - not a major problem as I can probably get cheques and that in my brothers account - obviously gotta ask him first!

So, I will post details of how to pay shortly.

Also, how do Postal Orders work? I assume people can make it out to me and I can go in Post Office with ID and get cash?

I'll be sending the money to Prawns account every week and I'll document all money received and donated just in case people need proof :)

Thanks for your interest guys :)

Let's make some money for Oli!!!

EDIT: Also gonna do a chilled out mix tomorrow, not available to download, exclusive to the DVD - remixes of Bloc Party, Regina Spektor and some real cool chilled indie stuff...

Edited by TheScientist
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EDIT: Also gonna do a chilled out mix tomorrow, not available to download, exclusive to the DVD - remixes of Bloc Party, Regina Spektor and some real cool chilled indie stuff...

Sounds good. Danny and I will be making a donation from TF either way, but might just have to get this anyway. An chance of some four tet, thom yorke? (edit actually scrap that I'm not out at some club requesting tracks :P)

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Will have to play through my naim audio av2 ;)

Blimey, you'll really show up the floors in my mixing with that :S

Oh and Tom, there is actually Thom Yorke and Four Tet going in! That's all the clues you're getting.

I've got to 15 mins and scrapped the recording three times now, I have lost all ability to even mix randomly.

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Well, just finished the recording - 4th time lucky. Might still re-do it though as it's gonna be pretty the main focus on the DVD for obvious reasons - I don't feel it's that good, well, good enough anyway...

So that you all know, the discs will be Data, meaning you'll need to drag it on to your pc and put it on MP3 players / burn to CD's.

Thanks to all those interested, those ready to make payments please PM me.

I will be buying DVD's and Cases next week, burning and sending as payments arrive.

If you want to donate more please feel free - the more the better!

Like I say, I'll document it all on technicalscience.co.uk next week once payments begin coming in.

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AWSOME well i was gonna donate a fiver... and love all your tracks!

I was going to PM you the other day asking for all the links to megaupload... but thought it sounded a bit cheeky... so i'd love to do this! and just been given a cheque book as well :) happy days

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AWSOME well i was gonna donate a fiver... and love all your tracks!

I was going to PM you the other day asking for all the links to megaupload... but thought it sounded a bit cheeky... so i'd love to do this! and just been given a cheque book as well :) happy days

To be honest most of the links would have expired by now anyway :)

Plus, 6 quid saves you lots of time / download limits AND obviously goes to a great cause!

And there's the little exclusive mixes ;)

I might just get a drum & bass mix recorded for the DVD too, as I got a good response from the last one...

99% sure my bro will let me use his account, he's down the pub watching footie at the moment ( (N) ) but will let y'all know as soon as he's back.

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Right folks, I've been unsuccessful in using my brothers account, however my Mum is willing to have cheques sent to her. You can pay by cash, but I really wouldn't advise it - I've had loads get stolen in the past.

I've made a website with all the details:


When you send cheques please make sure you put your name & address so I can thank you on the website and obviously send you the DVD!

Thanks guys :)

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Come on, only sold about 4 so far - that'll get Oli's Mini a couple of bolts - buy the DVD!

EDIT: Two exclusive mixes recorded so far, a chilled lounge-style Indie / Hip Hop mix and a clubby Indie one, with decent remixes of all your faves :)

Will continue to record new stuff until the time comes to send the first DVD out!

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