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Chain Tensioners Help


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ok so the topic title aint that good but hey

heres the problem i have an ashton justice 20 and have jst brought a new rear wheel a try-all rim built on a monty hub the sealed one with allen key bolts and i was wondering will i be able to tension the chain and get the wheel to stay done up tight becuase the dropouts are realy long and it mite slip forwards when hopping on the back wheel without using any type of tensioners and also the ashton doesnt take snail cams i was just curious to wether you could possibly use normal chain tugs or something along them lines tighten the bolts up as much as possible and hope for the best ??

so basicly is there anyway of tensioning allen key bolt hubs without using snail cams????

forgot to mention im not actully aloud this wheel along with my other arsenal of new parts till xmas so i cant put it on and find out (N) so i need sugestions people ^_^

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I'n my experience i would get some chain tugs. When i first started mod i rode without tugs or snail cams. Within a few hops chain tension had gone and the wheel moved.

I tried chain tugs, but with a deng frame they don't fit. I had to buy snail cams in the end. I purchased my chain tugs from halfords ....for free :P.

I would err on the side of caution and buy some cheap chain tugs. Are you sure snail cams don't work on the justice, or have you just not screwed in the snail cam bolts into the frame.

Sorry i can't be of more help, but i think get snail cams if you can, if not chain tugs (Y)


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