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Newton Street Fest


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Hello to all forum members.I have only signed up a couple of weeks ago and haven't introduced myself.My son Mat burge rides down in the south west and has done the british rounds for the last 2years.First year as open which he won,this year rode senior finished 3rd.I ride motorbike trials {to old for cycle trials},i ride a scorpa 250sy at clubman level.I love whatching you cycle trials riders and what you can acheicve. GREAT stuff.Not alot goes on in the south west {cycle trials} so i joined the forum to try and bring the south west to the forum.Dam i'll stop going on,here some pics. Hope you like these photos & you don't get bored.Sorry there late.Newtonstreetfest109.jpgof newyon str[imgNewtonstreetfest103.jpg]httNewtonstreetfest100.jpgp:/Newtonstreetfest094.jpgNewtonstreetfest085.jpgG]/iNewtonstreetfest080.jpg24Newtonstreetfest072.jpg4.pNewtonstreetfest066.jpghotobNewtonstreetfest036.jpgucket.coNewtonstreetfest032.jpgm/albums/Newtonstreetfest016.jpggg29/matburge_pNewtonstreetfest010.jpghotos/Newtonstreetfest105.jpg' alt='Newtonstreetfest105.jpg'>eet fest.Bye for now.

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Hey, nice to see another South West person on the forums, I'm in Weston-super-Mare, not quite as south as most but I like to think of myself as one of the lucky few.

Matt Tupman on here organises a few comps from what I remember, but it can't hurt to get another few clubs setup. I for one would definitely be up for coming down to some events in the not too distant future. Summer '08 is going to be a bit of a big one for me as I will have (hopefully) graduated university, so I'm just going to put off finding a real job and riding my bike lots.

Be sure to keep us updated with how things go, I only found out about the competition after it had already occurred so I couldn't make it down, but I know Rich is organising something for May '08, which sounds awesome.

Anyway, it's 5am and I need to try and sleep.

Hope to see you in the full members forums soon.


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