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My Dmr Transition


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Well a while back I quit trials (although Im back now, missed it too much) ANd for the year or so I was out I rode street and the local park on this bad boy. Such a nice bike to ride. Could bunny hop 2 feet (up) which I was quite proud of considering the weight. :lol:



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There's a lot of haters on here mate, but I'm definitely a DMR fan :D

I've got two at the moment, a 2002 Trailstar (Got stolen, then recovered so is pretty battered!) and my 2008 Rhythm.

I love 'em!

I like yours too, very neat... what's the spec dude?

yea heard about the trailstar going, read through the thread on it, there are some unts out there. Yea Dmrs are awsome bikes, the geo on this is really nice!

Spec is:

Transition frame with drop outs cut down :)

dirt jumper3s reduced to 80mm with o6 uppers and 05 lowers (cracked the 06 lowers!)

we the people royal cranks

gusset open prison bars

odyssey elementary stem

front dmr revolver disk hub on dmr DV rim

rear halo DJD 14mm with 11tooth driver on a halo tornado

ybn half link chain

mankind 25tooth sprocket

fit eccd seat

brand x post

dmr moto front tyre

dmr transition rear

avid sd5 rear brake arms, linear slick cable, sd7 lever

kona pedals

think thats about it actually, I ran it with identiti rebates aswell for a while with no brakes, was like riding a giant bmx.

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