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R.i.p. Oli Lewis

Prawny Baby

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I remember reading a similar thread when DJ passed away. I can honestly say I didn't know Oli at all but it still feels like i've lost someone I know. From all the great responses from everyone i'm sorry to say I didn't get to know him. Its a really sad event and a hell of a way to go and at a bad time. My thoughts go out to his friends and family. A truely tragic event.

I hadn't posted as i didn't know what to type, but this would have been what i'd type if i'd have thought how to...

Well said anal.


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Its really strange.......i just keep thinking about him. When i saw the picture of him on the previous page i just thought - "thats the Oli i knew, cheeky grin, that boy was always smiling". I remember the last time i saw him (few weeks ago), we were praticing satic hooks and i couldn't get them and he was nailing a few, he just kept saying "this is the only thing i can do better than you Neil", makes me smile when i think about it. One of the best rides i had in ages that week, i'm glad my last memory of him was that day.

Oli, i honestly wish you all the best up there. You were one of the nicest guys who always helped out anyone with a bike problem! I wish you had not been taken away from us so soon, but i know you'll be doing good where ever you are. May you ride and rest in peace forever matey.



From a learning trials point of view, I had a few momements with Oli when we both tried to get better/higher!

Not always to succes , but him trying the same thing as me, spurred me on .We had a little connection to acheive the same goal.

I think thats how i will remember him to be honest :flowers:

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Faaaaack, never met him, or even directly spoke to Oli, but you could ust tell from reading his posts he was a top bloke, always helpful to anyone he could help.

When i saw R.I.P Oli Lewis, i expected it to be one of whoever posted mates from outside the forum, never expected it to be Oli from on here, really shocked, even with how little i knew him.

Such a shame - R.I.P

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Just got this email..

I visited this forum as a result of a link on Oli's facebook page, trying to find out more on what had happened. Like you guys, I'm absolutely devastated by what has happened. Although I didn't speak to him much over the past year or so (I went off to university out of Wiltshire), this has still hit me like a brick in the face. You have no idea how comforting it is to read all the posts remembering Oli, and not a single bad word said or implied. So, thankyou guys, it's been a help to me, and when I pass the condolences on to others, I'm sure they will be comforted by them too. Sorry if that's a bit rambling, I'm still pretty shellshocked by it all.

Thankyou, and we'll never forget Oli. Rest In Peace, mate, rest in peace.

John H.

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I can only really reiterate what has been said by others so far. Never had the chance to cross paths with Oli but from the sounds of things I would have remembered him if I did. Sounded like a really top bloke and it's a travisty that he died so young. I think it is great that everyone has so many positive memories about him though and he has clearly left a very strong mark on everyone that he has come across.

R.I.P. Oli

My thoughts are with his family and friends.

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Ive never met him or spoke to him but ino of him from here seeing him around and his posts. And i ust to just love reading his posts on the mini thread, the guy really seemed a top bloke. I dont no if i could handle someone close to me going it would be so tuff and ive never really thought about it before untill now. my condolences go out to all that are close to him and has affected especially his family. I think it would be great if something like a mini drive could be done in his name or going to a track or something along them lines. And im sure all will help you prawn to get his mini done dont be afraid to ask. Sorry to here this RIP dude.

Someone said about making a icon like the bunny for Dj well may be a little mini thing could be done and stickers made and all mini forum drivers or just anyone can put them in there car. Obviously im sure people would all be willing to put a little to, to cover costs.

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And maybe on the car (did he like rally driving?) Oli 1987-2007 in a similar to style of rally drivers names? So people know it's a tribute car?

EDIT: With my special ways i managed to find he went onto the MaxBashing forum (RC car forum) and i thought i'd let them know, he had a good 400 posts there and at least one person knows him on the forum: http://www.maxbashing.com/forum/showthread.php?p=272873

Edited by Fat Pants
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Similar to many others I have only had the pleasure of interacting with Oli through the forum, but nevertheless this is a great loss, and that is an understatement. His depth of character shone through in his excellent contributions here.

To the family: I hope you find a way to cope with this tragic loss - Oli was an outstanding member of this forum and undoubtedly a credit to your whole family. He will be sorely missed.

To everyone else: stay safe :(

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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oh christ! met you at the dj rides and chatted on here a bit, always though you were an awesome chap... way to undeserving of this tragedy. my condolences go out to friends and family, i cannot even begin to comprehend what they must be going through!

Rest in piece Mate!

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I havnt been on here much and just got so far and can't read anymore.

Perhaps it's cos it's 6am and my sleeping is f**ked but im totally welling up here after seeing that pic on page 5.

I never 'knew' him apart from on here, but i'd allways look at a topic if he was the last poster, he'd allways have something useful to add.

condolences to his friends and family.

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Ah man that really is terrible. I offer my condolences for all his friends and family, I just lost both my Nan and my grandma recently and it really is one of the worst feelings there is. Hope they get through it ok, they sound like genuine, nice people (Y).


Edited by Luke Drewery
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Was just thinking, it's really good how close this forum is. Even though a few of us met him, everyone is still deeply saddened by the news.

I agree whole heartedly.

I love the whole HMS Chit-Chat thing we've got going, you don't even need to be a trials rider to come on here now. I don't look in the other forums very much, I spend most of my time in chit-chat.

I think it's brilliant when you meet someone and get chatting to them, then realise you've been talking to them for ages on here.

I met Krisboats and Jonny MC at Dudwood farm, and Jonny asked me if I used TF, I said yeh my names El Muelio, they were both like, "No way!", then I realised who they were and I was stoked to finally meet them.

Also did the same thing with Josh Greenan.

EDIT: I don't know how many topics have been posted on various forums, but it just goes to show how popular he was. I only actually use this forum, but there seems to have been loads he was on.

Edited by El Muelio
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It was awful reading through the begging of this thread yesterday, you always hope for the best and when it doesn't come it hits you hard, maybe even more so at this time of the year..

Oli Lewis was no doubt a great character not only in this community but in many others too and he'll be a big loss to everyone close to him, so my condolences go out to his friends and family.

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Rest in peace Oli Lewis. I didn't know you but as it's been said, I'm also genuinely saddened by this tragic event even though I'd never spoken to him. It seems that trials forum gives a certain feel of unity somehow, a feeling that even though we live miles away we still know one another. I feel for the family and friends.

I think the mini thing is a good idea and would be happy to donate.

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