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R.i.p. Oli Lewis

Prawny Baby

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I've been lingering over this thread since the start but didn't have a clue what to write! It really has made an impact on my life reading and thinking about what happened. I never spoke to Oli but read many of his threads/car builds as they were very interesting. He seemed a very bright lad and is such a great loss. I really feel sorry for family and friends I can't begin to imagin how it feels! The forum is such a great community, I mean I don't ride anymore and haven't for a few years yet I check most days on the forum before I go to bed to see whats happening.

I will definatly donate some money towards the mini thats for sure!!

Hope everyone affected finds a way to over come this loss.


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Guys, I thank you all for your contintued support, it really does mean so much at this terrible time. Links to all the forums hosting threads about Oli have been passed onto the rest of Olis family and friends, and I can promise you they are very comforting.

Today I have been to the bank, and setup an account in my name, specially for the completion of Olis mini.

I could have setup a club/society account, but it was rather complex, and would have taken some weeeks to officialise. So what I have done, is opened a second bank account in my own name, which will be totally seperate from my own funds.

Later tonight (after I've eaten something) I will post the details of the account, so all those wishing to make a donation via internet banking will be able to do so directly into the mini fund.

For those using paypal, I will wait until all paypal donations are recieved, then transfer the total amount into the mini fund as soon as I am able to link the mini fund to my paypal account.

I have spoken to Morspeed, Olis engine builder, and all the details of his amazing engine have been confirmed, and it will be shipped to the Tupmans next week, exactly as Oli had planned.

I will start a seperate 'Lets finish Olis Mini' thread later tonight with all the details.

Once again, thanks for everything guys, you truly are a wonderful group of people I can say I am involved with.

(i appologise for this post being repeated on several forums, its just easier that way, you are all so so helpful, thank you)


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I shall be donating after xmas as strapped for cash just now it being the run up to xmas n all.

Also Prawn whats happening with Olis mini once done? Is there going to be like a DJ Memorial type thing with the special mini there so all can marvel in how great Olis plans were for it?

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Even when you never meet someone, but just over here makes it seem like you know them to a certain degree. Things like this make you relise how easily people die and how much we take life for granted. I cant really write what I'm thinking, its too hard to explain.

Thoughts are with his family and friends. rip.

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I shall be donating after xmas as strapped for cash just now it being the run up to xmas n all.

Also Prawn whats happening with Olis mini once done? Is there going to be like a DJ Memorial type thing with the special mini there so all can marvel in how great Olis plans were for it?

At a guess it'll be towed/driven Newquay for Riveira run, probably with the story in the windows to show how great car/bike community's can be, after that i guess it's up to Prawn unless Oli had any other places he wanted to go with the completed mini. :)

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Of course you can, We hope to finish the mini in time for riviera run next year, on which it will be driven by either myself, Or hopefully one of Olis parents. I hope to get the car magazine featured, as I believe it will be a truly special mini, worthy of national fame. I intend to make sure it is taken to all the shows, and spread the word of Olis life, and all the great things he did. Outside of the show season, Olis dad is VERY passionate about minis, he and oli did not spend much time together when Oli was young, and the car was always meant to be a way of bringing them together.

Olis dad Peter has funded much of the project so far, and we have spoken about how he very much looks forward to getting the car on track and using it how it was always meant to be used.

I can asure you that between myself, and Olis mother and father, the mini will get regular use, and I will make sure that it iis annually taken on the events that Oli loved so much. Outside the show season I will ensure it is cared for and used regularly to ensure it stays in perfect condition.

I will treat Olis mini with the same care and respect as I show my own.

Right now, I just want to finish Olis project, and complete the dream he has been chasing for so many years.

He also has s younger brother who could well stand to inherrit the car in years to come.

This mini will be used, and used properly. I will make sure of that.

I just want to do right my one of the best friends I ever had

A Post explaining what will happen with the mini, from Nick on Theminiforum.co.uk

Edited by Broomer
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Hi Guys,

I am driving to Oli's funeral on friday from petersfield, hants. I will be passing portsmouth and southampton on the way so if you would like to come and need a lift PM me ASAP.


Hello mate - if you're going through Portsmouth we could meet and drive up. I'll be arriving at around 8.40am with Phil, Quigley and Chris.

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Last Seen: 8th December 2007 - 04:35 PM - It seems so depressing that we will never see him again =( R.I.P My sympthies is with friends and all of your family.

25 minutes before he was due at work :( poor old Oli spent his last 6 hours delivering pizza.

Its been 10 days now since we knew, and it still just hasnt settled in that he is gone.

I really miss him, so much.

RIP dear friend, you will be missed so much for years to come


(Oli always looked better in photos than me)

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I am so sorry to hear the news that Oli has died, another young man with so much life ahead of him and so much to give to others. Please Nick can you pass on to his parents and friends our deepest sympathy at this difficult time. I do remember him for the Memorial ride, he was always in the middle of 'the crowd', full of fun and laughter.

I shall be thinking of you all tomorrow, especially Oli. I am only sorry i didn't hear before now.

I don't know if it would help but if Carol would like to speak to someone else in her position, not that i can understand how she feels about the way it happened but i would be only too happy to listen as one mother to another.

Take care everyone, live your lives to the full but please remember you are not invincible.

lots of love

Sue x :deej::bunny::deej:

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I am so sorry to hear the news that Oli has died, another young man with so much life ahead of him and so much to give to others. Please Nick can you pass on to his parents and friends our deepest sympathy at this difficult time. I do remember him for the Memorial ride, he was always in the middle of 'the crowd', full of fun and laughter.

I shall be thinking of you all tomorrow, especially Oli. I am only sorry i didn't hear before now.

I don't know if it would help but if Carol would like to speak to someone else in her position, not that i can understand how she feels about the way it happened but i would be only too happy to listen as one mother to another.

Take care everyone, live your lives to the full but please remember you are not invincible.

lots of love

Sue x :deej::bunny::deej:

It's nice to hear from you Sue. Just like DJ we'll all do our very best to make sure Oli's memory lives on.

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Thanks for everything guys,

Sue, I was speaking to Carol just earlier about you and what you had to go through, she may well be glad to speak to you!

I just want to thank everyone so much for all the amazing support we have had, it really does mean so much to Olis family, who need all the support available at this terrible time.

To all those attending the funeral, I will see you tomorow, it's getting late, and I am shattered.

Please, please, come and say hello if you come, it will be great to see everyone where to celebrate Olis life.

Drive safely guys.

See you at 11:30


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Today will be an unforgettable day, everything was organised really well. Family and friends did well to stay so strong throughout the day.

I am truly grateful to have been there. I wish Oli's family all the best and would like to thank them for letting us attend.

Nick, the strength you have shown today is phenominal and i am sure Oli will be grateful for that.

Hopefully Oli will now be able to Rest In Peace leaving us with good memories of a great friend.


Luke Walder

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