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R.i.p. Oli Lewis

Prawny Baby

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P.S. I don't want to go off topic, but why is DJ's logo a bunny?

I wasn't here at the time.

DJ helped setup FBM (The Fluffy Bunny Movement).

Hi Guys, I am back. No Rice was miserable, the police turned up (god knows why) and shut half the carpark, and sent people on their way. I didnt get to speak to half the people I wanted to.

Tori and I (along with bigman and tic) spent some time with Olis mum Carol this afternoon, we have decided that the mini will definately be finished, we just need to setup some form of donation fund to help with getting it done.

Oli's funeral will be held in the village church in Wilton, 5 minutes from Salisbury, at 11:30 on the 21st of this month.

All are invited.

I cant type more now, Ill finish this off later.

Cheers for letting us know, Nick. I'm sorry about the Police deal, that's a raw one.

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Tori and I (along with bigman and tic) spent some time with Olis mum Carol this afternoon, we have decided that the mini will definately be finished, we just need to setup some form of donation fund to help with getting it done.

That's good news mate, I'm real skint at the moment but will try my best to get some money across - it's for a good cause!

Hope you're all doing well, must be terribly hard.

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We are getting by guys, we have an amazing network of friends to help get us through. People have been more supportive than i could possibly imagine.

I have Tori and some of my closest friends here with me, and we are in touch with Oli's mum every day.

I will be in touch with everyone tomorow when I know more details, but basicly, Carol wants everyone who knew oli to be there on friday. He made such a huge difference to the lives of so many people, and he must be remembered for that. I know I for one can never forget him.

ll those who would like to attend his funeral, please let me know, as I need to get an idea for organising Olis funeral.

Thanks for all the support guys, it means more than you know.


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I'm still in a state of shock about this really, when Rich phoned up on Tuesday I thought it was some sick joke really not the thing I was expecting to hear. It's been such an odd last few days with Oli's mini sat in here in the workshop and it just seems crazy that he was only here last weekend getting me write down all his plans for his pride and joy.

I'll hopefully be at the funeral next week and i'll give you a phone soon Nick to discuss the car, sorry I haven't been quicker but we moved house four days ago.

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Right guys,

I have spent today at the scene of the crash with Olis family and friends.

Having spoken to both Olis parents, they are happy for the mini to go ahead as planned, so it will definately be finished, exactly as Oli wanted.

Tomorow morning Pierre and I will go into town and setup a new bank account specially for the project, from then people can either choose to send cheques payable to the account, or make paypal donations to my paypal account, which I will ensure ALL gets transfered directly into the mini fund.

I will make a record of every single donation, for legal reasons and such like, should anyone want to know how the money has been spent.

Seeing the scene of the crash today was one of the most awful moments of my life. Just trying to take it all in, knowing the significance of where i was standing, was all too much to take.

All my friends, and all you guys here on the forum, have been so great supporting Olis family and friends, it really is so great to know that so many people are there.

Take care guys, I will post more when I have more details.

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I don't often post on here but read a lot of post of what people say realating to my interests,

It always leaves me feeling sad and empty when I hear of such a tragic loss and recently it has been far too often! The forum has been brialliant at not only making close relatives to Oli come to terms with such an awful loss but everybody who he has had an impact with. I've read a lot of posts from Oli and as much as possible tried to follow the build of his cars because it was always an interesting read.

People have already said it but I would love to reitterate how the closeness of this forum brings so many emotions together. Everybody joins together whether they are close or not to a particular person to show support in any way. It is not very often when so many people can show so much respect that they want to actually make donations to make a dream happen and I for one would love to make that one persons dream happen!

Rest in peace, I never knew you but you certainly had an impact on how I think about things now and in the future

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If only a quater of the forum donated a fiver, thats 10k. So I can see this project being a great sucess.

Like I said Nick, I would be honoured to come down for a few days and lend a hand if you wanted? Obvously when the cars in full swing again. Morspeeds not that far from me either, so I could probably collect the engine if Simons still being an idiot.

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