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Buying This Laptop

Egg Fried Rice

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Right guys, i have been given some money to buy myself a laptop for school use etc.

This is the one i have chosen Packard Bell

I have chosen this one because i work at currys and we had a load of these delievered and i was unpacking the display model. Firstly its got £110 off orignial price so that brings it down to £369 and having looked through the laptop myself at work, it comes already installed with microsoft office 2007. Packard bell and compaq seem to be the only laptops with them already pre-installed. So this was handy as it already has the software i need and if it didnt it would cost £79.99 to buy the package.

I admit now, although i work at currys, i don't know alot about computers! not very much infact only the VERY BASICS. So someone tell if this is a good buy? I also get 10% off staff discount :D

Thanks peopless

PS: I have photoshop CS that i would like to upload onto the laptop, would it be ok?

Edited by J-KAY
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If you've used it and you like the look of it and how it works, go for it. As you're gonna be using it for school I assume that means internet/email/msn/office. As it comes with Office pre-installed it looks like a pretty good deal, and getting it for £333 sounds pretty decent. It's not the fastest of processors but it will do what you want it to, and you'll be able to install CS on it fine.

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