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Gear Ratio


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hi everyone i am running a gear ratio of 16t front freewheel and 12t rear fixed on my 26" at the moment and really like it the only problem is i need to replace my worn acs freewheel and all i can get is the same freewheel in 16t.

i have been offered an 18t eno for cheap and was wandering what size cog to go for on the rear i think it needs to be either a 13t of a 14t as i have ridden my friends set up with 18 15 and its to easy for me

can anyone help me decide which one i would be better off with(closest to what i am running currently) as i am a little stuck

thanks in advance


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18-15 is considered a harder gear ratio. if you were to get the ENO and you wanted to have a harder ratio than 18-15, 18-14 would be the way to do it. But its a really heavy gearing. its probably worth trying 18-15 because you can do so much more with an easier gear and it benefits with things like gaps and sidehops.

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A ratio of 16tooth front cog, to 12tooth rear cog would give you 34.7 gear inches.

In an attempt to replicate this, i tried 18:13 and 18:14....

18:14= 33.4 GI

18:13= 36GI

As you can see they're both equi-distance from the first ration figure.

So, you have to really decide whther you want a a slightly harder, or easier gear ratio than the one you're currently using.

The only combinations that match your current is: 20:15 and 24:18

I used the following website for my information: http://www.hostelshoppe.com/tech_gearcalc.php

Maybe worth putting the above website in the wiki?

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