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Danny Swindlehurst

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Found a few old clips of my bro wen he first got his gu... and this is just a little teaser i made for him took me about 10 mins (litreally) i think its pritty godd to be honest

if you dont like teasers dont look/watch or comment..

Hes only 12 anol :o


enjoy :D

video should be out soon when i get my camera back !


Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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im sorry but i wasnt realy impressed by that video , i understand that your 12 but it just seem very built up for a few clips in which most of them you fell off , your editing skills are impressive and your ridings not that bad il hold my judgement until the real video is released .

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Not bad editing, however the end bit of fading the coming soon, could have done so much more with that piece of music. The music you used is fantastic but the editing was not quite there, in a lot of the "epic" areas where the music is building there was not much going on, and where you had faded the coming soon at the end could have just blated through a load of pics which would have made it better.

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im sorry but i wasnt realy impressed by that video , i understand that your 12 but it just seem very built up for a few clips in which most of them you fell off , your editing skills are impressive and your ridings not that bad il hold my judgement until the real video is released .


Everything was hyped up too much and most of the video was in fish eye.

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oi mate...you think sponsors are just for street riders or sommet lmao

hes a fu*king beast for his age... and hes like uks best in his class thats why he got sponsor hes been sponsored as long as me for a few years now !

and tarty arnt regretting sponsoring him cause hes premoteing there company by riding comps for them witch invests more money for them

hes blows most riders older than him anyway


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hes blows most riders older than him anyway

Gay little b*****d, he is a good rider but do you not think you are trying to make him seem better than he is.

not really. Im saying id like to watch one of you lot that think hes sh*te try and beat him in a comp

he got loads better ballence and shite than me hes amazing he jus tneed power now then hell be amazing

and as nick said its all fun... hes good for his age thats all am tryin to say basically

discusion over


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Danny Swindlehurt, you have to remember that all everyone has to go on is the quality of the video that you just produced.

Yes, he is your brother.

That doesn't mean he is Gods gift to trials riding, I know lots of people riding at his standard or better at his age.

Its just I/we're too old to produce videos now as when we were 12 the only thing we had was standard video cameras.

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