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Hardly used Flash before and I cant seem to find any tutorials on the internet for this

Ive got a some simple navigation buttons but I want a line to appear and like scribble over this when the button is rolled over

Not really sure how to explain, so when the mosue is rolled over a line 'scribbles' over the text?

Anyone know whow to do this?

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Follow a tutorial about how to do rollovers, eg this one http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Interfaces/...11906/index.php

Haven't used Flash for years (about 5) so things might have changed. But basically (I think), create a new layer and make your scribble movie on it. Go to your link layer and set it so that on rollover, it starts playing the scribble layer at the correct frame. Thats actually very vague haha, bout as much as I can help sorry. I'd follow the tutorial anyway, if you can make that thing (the thing in the tutorial) you'll learn everything you need to know about how to do yours.

PS even better than that spend your time not learning flash :P , unless you plan on getting reeeeeeeeeally super fantastically good at it, its pretty difficult to make it look good. But guess it can be fun to learn.

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Hey mate really bad graphicly and not a great way of doing it but it is a very easy way of doing what you want.

Knocked up in 2 mins the effect isnt great but you could play with it.

Let me know if you want to know how to produce it because i know its not great so not going to explain unless u want it.



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Hey mate really bad graphicly and not a great way of doing it but it is a very easy way of doing what you want.

Knocked up in 2 mins the effect isnt great but you could play with it.

Let me know if you want to know how to produce it because i know its not great so not going to explain unless u want it.



That's what I wanted :) Cheers

How did you do it?

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Right tried to add you to msn but u havn't accepted yet so i will do a quick explanation now.

Step 1: Make your button and convert it to a symbol ( guess you know how to do this ) Make sure its set as a button.

Step 2: Go inside your button ( by double clicking it ) and place new keyframes on all the states i.e over,down,hit.

Step 3: Click on the Over state and now convert this to a Movie Clip ( same as a button just choose the movie clip option )

Step 4: double click movie clip so you are now inside it add a new layer and using the pencil tool draw a wiggly line across the button you can change the settings to make the line less solid and look like a drawn line in the properties pallete.

Step 5: Add another ne layer and draw a box with any colour fill it doesn't matter, then rotate the box slightly so its at the same angle as your line.

Step6: extend all the layers in the timeline so you have as many frames as u want the less frames the short the time it will draw the scribble.

Step7: position the box so on frame 1 it is not covering the line at all and then on your last frame so it is completely covering the line.

Step 8: Right Click on the layer ( so you are clicking some were around the layers name on the pallete ) and select "Mask".

Step 9: Right click on that layers timeline some were and chose make motion tween.

Step 10: Go back to Scene1 by clicking on scene1 under the timeline and test your movie everything should work correctly.

I rushed writing that and assumed you knew some things.

Tomorrow i can have a video tutorial made of how to do it if you need it.

Hope you get along well would be cool to speak on msn see you are looking at Design Uni course and so am I.


EDIT: This is only a very quick and efficient way of creating this effetct there is loads of different ways bit this is probably the easiest.

Edited by RealRiding
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