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They Found My Bike...


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Well, just been down the Police station.

They found my bike, scratched up and with loads of bits changed.

The great news? I have to send back my Insurance vouchers and I'm not allowed to modify or sell the bike for a year in case someone comes forward and claims the bike is theirs.

This is because there are different parts on it.

So basically I have a f**ked bike and I'm not allowed to do anything with it.




Edited by MadManMike
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Well, just been down the Police station.

They found my bike, scratched up and with loads of bits changed.

The great news? I have to send back my Insurance vouchers and I'm not allowed to modify or sell the bike for a year in case someone comes forward and claims the bike is theirs.

This is because there are different parts on it.

So basically I have a f**ked bike and I'm not allowed to do anything with it.

f**k that Mike, surely you can still claim?

I'd just change it about, what are they going to do? Even if it is claimed, they won't be able to tell the difference.

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Before and after pics? Depending on how much is changed you could just swap the shit parts for ones you want and ride it anyway... just keep the parts on one side so you can swap them back if you need to. I mean, they've given it to you for you to use yes? Its a trials bike, things brake.... just say you replaced them because they broke?

Edited by Krisboats
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Can you not explain to the insurance company that this is your bike, but not in the state that is was stolen in. therefore you cannot use it as it was used before. They may be co-operative.

The police?!?!?! :blink:

just say after a closer inspection of the bike you have real;ised that it is a very similar bike but not you'rs, say the serial number is difrfernt or something ?

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What's actually up with it Mike?

Get back in touch with the insurance fanny's, tell them it's been badly damaged and is currently unrideable, so they should foot the bill to repair it, that's what you pay insurance for isn't it?

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It's not so much the damage, I mean new bars & seat would sort that, it's more the fact that it was in mint condition paint-wise and I used to clean it almost every day.

Now it's come back scratched, scuffed on the frame and wheels. Bikes get worn, fair enough, but some little scrote battered it for two weeks and dumped it.

So mechanically it's not bad but that's not really the point.

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Yeah, get onto the insurance company about it and speak to someone higher in the ranks. Say its a waste of money paying for insurance if they dont want to help fix the bike seeing as its obviously not in as good condition. And btw, not trying to have a nag as i know that its the last thing you want to read, but theres like 3 topics now on you having your bike stolen :mellow:

So yeah anyway, good luck with the insurance company :)

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