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Are You An Internet Addict?


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The fact that the only time my msn goes off is

A) When I'm going to/from work

B) When I'm going to/from uni

C) When the internet is down

pretty much shows I'm an internet addict.

Here's my general day:

Wake up with my laptop on the spare side of my bed

Pick up laptop, come on here, myspace, and skateperception

Check msn to see if anything has been left overnight

Check emails

Stay in bed until I need to get up

Get up, get ready for uni/work, laptop goes in my bag just before I leave

Get to uni/work, get out laptop, go online.

Do no work or concentrate at uni/work, just spend time online.

Get home, get laptop out of bag, go online

Make food

Move laptop around the house with me, depending on where im going, exceptions are kitchen, toilet, and housemates rooms

Get into bed at 12ish, with laptop

Stay online until I fall asleep, I usually fall asleep watching something on my other computer while my laptop is on the other side of my bed.

Pretty much the only other times i'm offline are when me and my housemates play unreal, so that our SNs dont get checked, or if i cant get online where i am. I mean obviously if i'm going out in town or to a gig or something, i wont be online, but has to be said probably 90% or more of my time that i'm awake, i'm online, every day.

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Does it keep you warm at night?

Haha yeah :$

Nah my radiator does that.

On the plus side, I've been playing transport tycoon for about 6 hours, and I'm currently worth £25 million. If anyone else wants to play, you can get the updated engine here http://www.openttd.org/ and the original files you need to play it, http://www.bornacorn.com/downloads2.shtml there.

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I'm internet addict

Whenever my internet is down I have absolutely no idea what to do

I'm certainly a computer addict, I can't resist coming on here first thing in the morning, putting mroe tracks on my minidisc etc.

Get to college/work, use their comps to do some work, and spend most of my time on here.

Get home, MSN goes on, and stays on until all the people I'm talking to have gone off.

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I'm certainly a computer addict, I can't resist coming on here first thing in the morning, putting mroe tracks on my minidisc etc.

Get to college/work, use their comps to do some work, and spend most of my time on here.

Get home, MSN goes on, and stays on until all the people I'm talking to have gone off.

Same here

I even keep my laptop with me at night to msn with people in bed, but thats just because I feel lonely :(:P

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