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Broadband Providers...

Tony Harrison

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...are twats. I kept my Pipex account for 2 months longer than I needed, and paid for it too, so that when I moved into a new place I wouldn't have to create a new account and be tied in for another 12 months. The f**kers say I have to start a new account anyway.

Well, that means there's no reason for me to stay with them. So, what service would people recommend? I'm after broadband only (no Sky/phone/TV/shit), a good 8 meg service, with a 15+ Gb download limit. I'll pay up to £20 a month.

Thanks for any advice.

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Avoid BT like the plague, incredibly complicated billing system and a contract harder to get out of than a Spanish jail.

You could try Virgin, they seemed relatively hassle free when I was with them. was about £20 a month for broadband which they doubled the speed of after a month or so.

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  snappel said:
...are twats. I kept my Pipex account for 2 months longer than I needed, and paid for it too, so that when I moved into a new place I wouldn't have to create a new account and be tied in for another 12 months. The f**kers say I have to start a new account anyway.

Well, that means there's no reason for me to stay with them. So, what service would people recommend? I'm after broadband only (no Sky/phone/TV/shit), a good 8 meg service, with a 15+ Gb download limit. I'll pay up to £20 a month.

Thanks for any advice.

I'd go with Plus.net

Have a look at their gaming package, I think that's 19.99 a month and you get priority on contention. I think the contention ratio is 30:1 whereas all other providers are like 50:1 (you share 1 broadband line with 50 other users). I've been with them for well over a year now and I can't fault anything yet.

edit: computer_shppr_award.gifcustompc_sep07.gifmac_award_sep07.gif

An they get good reviews aswell by the looks of it.

Edited by Scopse
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All I will say is, IF they use the BT lines you had better be close to the exchange otherwise your "8mb broadband" will be about 1mb as my friend found out, it even says somewhere in the smallprint "Speeds advertised at maximum, it depends on your area as to which speed you will recieve".

I personally would go with Virgin, as they use fibre optics and its just fantastic, full speed all the time, it has a 50:1 connection ratio but I have never had any problems, my 4mb line is always 4mb and will constantly download at 480kbps or faster from a good server. Customer service is really good and if you burn out a modem or two, they will replace it, and my friend burnt out 3 due to a Virgin fault, the knocked £10 off their billl for life because of the hassle of 3 engineers. Problem was the exchange is right outside his house and too much power was going through the cable. Top notch.

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  Danny said:
https://www.bethere.co.uk/ - Seam to get good reviews.

damn right..incredible service

shit like this happens all the time:

# Description Net price 17.5% VAT Total price

1 Be unlimited £ 15.32 £ 2.68 £ 18.00

From 01/12/07 To 31/12/07

2 down refund(OCT) £ -3.63 £ -0.63 £ -4.26

From 19/11/07 To 19/11/07

3 down refund(NOV) £ -5.11 £ -0.89 £ -6.00

From 19/11/07 To 19/11/07

TOTAL £ 6.58 £ 1.16 £ 7.74

Basically 24mb connection should be £18 a month but because the service went down twice for 2 hours (at 3am in morning and was routine upgrading anyway) they knocked a pile off my monthly bill :):) love them!

Edited by Spacemunkee
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