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There was a source going around about 4-5 years ago intel denied any involvment which I would expect, but there is current sources that shows a very close bond between them. You would have to be very clever to find any hard evidence of a link between them as the courts said this should not happen for obvious reasons but there again I think it very strange that the old mac's processors 68000 where a much better processor than the current intel at the time and it was suddenly dropped when mr billy boy bailed Apple out about 5-6 years ago. Ok Im reading between the lines here.

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Ok Guessing, But didnt intel buy into apple as well as microsoft ?. Microsoft wasnt aloud to hold the majority shares within apple from what i can remember so intel must have fronted the rest of the money so dosnt that sort of make them partners. I know microsoft have quite often been at war with intel and used AMD as a wedge. But it all seems to worked out rather nice for them both no matter what anybody has to say.

it was seen not to be in the intrest of the consumer ( i think more in the intrest of security ) for intel and microsoft to merge ( i think thats what the courts said at the time, from memory ).

Edited by wrongsideof40
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Microsoft put in $150m (for shares which it has since sold), and shortly after the iMac was launched with a Power PC chip (the 68000 you mentioned early, State of the art in the Amiga in what, 88? hasn't been used in a Mac since 94).

Since Intel 'fronted' the money to bail out Apple, they must have been very pissed off that their investment didn't pay off for 8 years.

Hmm, could the transition to Intel actually have been because the IBM badged G5 was coming to the end of it's development cycle with no major advances on the horizon? No low power chipsets for use in laptops to match Intel's Centrino programme? Requiring millions of dollars in fab upgrades to keep up with Intel, let alone match them?

Even - sshhhhh - to give Apple a path to launch OSX for non-Apple hardware to a commodity platform giving them a potential jump in OS market share, if they wish?

Keep in mind that in 1997 Microsoft has cash reserves in the order of $15bn. That's not profit, that's just cash they've got stuffed under mattresses and in biscuit tins in Redmond. They spent 1% of their surplus cash on Apple shares (which they then sold at a profit) and provided their software for the Mac. It's not like Microsoft needed help raising the money!

Ah, but you say that Microsoft have often been 'at war with Intel'! Well that would make sense, given Microsoft's power to implement features (or not) as they wish, not to mention that until fairly recently all Microsoft code was compiled for Intels, with AMD playing an emulation game. Why would Microsoft favour one chip manufacturer over another, when it could probably just buy both if it wished.

So it's worked out well for Microsoft - who have saved potentially one of their biggest challengers if OSX escapes from Apple hardware - Intel - who provided a better product and roadmap than IBM - and Apple who have created a new model for phone handset suppliers, built a working music download service where others failed, and have a brand image that most in the PC sector would kill for.

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Lol I agree. Cracking an iPhone is the stupidest idea EVER.

+1 wait for the SDK in February (Y)

I have a very strange feeling that prices for the Iphone will somewhat drop after Christmas....lol

I disagree.

its for the posers.

quite interesting to watch the gadget show in depth review. it does highlight the complexity. but never the less looks pretty.

I agree. But its revolutionary so I reckon it will grow to become a better phone.

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I had a shot of one the other day, it's nice but it's not worth the money. even though it is quite tempting I hardly ever phone anyone ( a £10 topup and however many free texts I get lasts me all month) so I can't justify the extra.

Edited by Gavyn L
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if you cant afford the contract.

I don't think its a matter of not being able to afford it, its a matter of having sense...why bother paying £65 to replace my £35 a month contract, downgrading my contract and with no free ring dings?

And for the shock treatment...

£270 for the phone

£65 a month (top end contract to match most peoples current contracts)

=£1050 (780 for the contract alone).

Piss take.

Edited by anzo
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The thing is though, it works really nicely. Had a brief play on one in the Apple shop near here and they're nice. Although my phone (Orange m700 - Windows Mobile) does everything the iPhone does and more (3g, MMS, GPS, MS Office etc), the iPhone is a much nicer thing to use. The screen is brighter and much more responsive, switching applications is much quicker, everything looks more polished etc. Yes it's more expensive, but BMWs are more expensive than Citroens.

When they make a 30Gb one with support for 3rd party applications (and maybe GPS), I'll probably get one to replace my phone and iPod. Until then, I'll stick with what I've got :)

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Down side no custom ringtones!, cant go to say ipod, find a track you like and set it as a ringtone, abit of a downer considering its a multi-media device.

Maybe it's to save users the embarassment? Musical (polyphonic?) ringtones are intrusive, rude and generally embarassing. Nothing like watching a red-faced berk run across the office because he left his phone on the desk and it's blasting out 50 Cent. Besides, when you hear the tone, surely you're going to answer it, not sit and listen?

As for the i-phone itself. To me it sounds overpriced and not worth all the bother. Yes, if you're really into your tech gadgets, or spend lots on a phone anyway, fine, but paying several hundred quid for a handset and paying more than £30 a month?! But Apple know they'll get sales, just because there'll be plenty of people who just have to have an i-phone.


When they make a 30Gb one with support for 3rd party applications (and maybe GPS), I'll probably get one to replace my phone and iPod.

Yes, that would be more like it. Although my ipod keeps going wrong. Sure, it keeps getting fixed FOC, but it keeps going wrong. I have little faith in Apple products.

Edited by snappel
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Apple knew that people would be able to crack it, so they just said 'Yeah, well..crack it and you don't get your warrenty. So ner!'

The fact that it is crackable will aid it's success i think.

When playstation's came out and N64's, a massive part of the sony success was the fact that they never stopped people from chipping them. Where the N64 resin coated their chip boards to prevent any tampering. Sony knew that millions of consoles where sold solely becasue people wanted to chip them, they lost money on games, but ultimately made money from the amount of sales.


I don't give a toss about the internet. i have never had any interest in using it on my phone. My phone is for speaking, texting, a game when i'm on the toilet, and a camera at any occasion. I do like a nice one though, and i like the look of the i phone. If it had a camera i'd have had one as my contract is up this month.

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I do like a nice one though, and i like the look of the i phone. If it had a camera i'd have had one as my contract is up this month.

Er, it does :P

(Only 2MP, nothing special. No video either)

Actually, I don't want a phone with good, free internet. I'd never get anything done :unsure:

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i use the video a lot though. I actually thought it didn't have one at all. If the K850 wasn't out then i'd probably end up with one, but when that has a 5MP camera, that i've used in clubs etc (my mates) and i know it gives amazing pictures, i'll be getting that!

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I think Apple have limited themselves some what by making this iPhone limited to the o2 network. From my point of view, o2 isn't the best of networks.

I also think the main reason for expense is that Apple are a Niche company, they produce a unique product totally different from the others.

Also the fact that it's only on o2 aswell.

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Microsoft put in $150m (for shares which it has since sold), and shortly after the iMac was launched with a Power PC chip (the 68000 you mentioned early, State of the art in the Amiga in what, 88? hasn't been used in a Mac since 94).

Since Intel 'fronted' the money to bail out Apple, they must have been very pissed off that their investment didn't pay off for 8 years.

Hmm, could the transition to Intel actually have been because the IBM badged G5 was coming to the end of it's development cycle with no major advances on the horizon? No low power chipsets for use in laptops to match Intel's Centrino programme? Requiring millions of dollars in fab upgrades to keep up with Intel, let alone match them?

Even - sshhhhh - to give Apple a path to launch OSX for non-Apple hardware to a commodity platform giving them a potential jump in OS market share, if they wish?

Keep in mind that in 1997 Microsoft has cash reserves in the order of $15bn. That's not profit, that's just cash they've got stuffed under mattresses and in biscuit tins in Redmond. They spent 1% of their surplus cash on Apple shares (which they then sold at a profit) and provided their software for the Mac. It's not like Microsoft needed help raising the money!

Ah, but you say that Microsoft have often been 'at war with Intel'! Well that would make sense, given Microsoft's power to implement features (or not) as they wish, not to mention that until fairly recently all Microsoft code was compiled for Intels, with AMD playing an emulation game. Why would Microsoft favour one chip manufacturer over another, when it could probably just buy both if it wished.

So it's worked out well for Microsoft - who have saved potentially one of their biggest challengers if OSX escapes from Apple hardware - Intel - who provided a better product and roadmap than IBM - and Apple who have created a new model for phone handset suppliers, built a working music download service where others failed, and have a brand image that most in the PC sector would kill for.

The only thing I can say after that is... 1988 for the 68000 bloody hell Im getting old.

You appear to be well informed or have a much better memory than me.

Im so sorry to hear it didnt work out well for microsoft so why did they help bail apple ?.

Dosn't some of the Intel chips have builtin DRM ? why wouldnt of that have been one of the

driving force to create a working model for music/video downloads that works.

At the end of the day Apple,MS,Sony,EMI,Disney or what every big buisness corporation is

only out to make money and look after there own investments. So who really knows

what goes on behind the scenes... unless you have inside information.

But back to the i-phone Im sure its a very nice phone and will do everything that people

expect from it as do the i-pod.

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i use the video a lot though. I actually thought it didn't have one at all. If the K850 wasn't out then i'd probably end up with one, but when that has a 5MP camera, that i've used in clubs etc (my mates) and i know it gives amazing pictures, i'll be getting that!

This is the phone everyone should be getting, I'm so happy with mine...

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I had a bash with it in America back in July and i was disappointed, the main reasons being its stupidly f**king expensive, it got no blutooth, a shit 2mp camera and no 3G.

Ok so its got a shit cam but why have a cam on you phone if you have a good one in the first place.

yer it don't have 3g but ever other phone on the market has not got youtube player or Edge and some dont even have wifi.

it has got bluetooth on it and I'll edit this if I ever get to use it.

by the way I'm on my iPhone now and in still amazed at the speed of the Internet.

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Ok so its got a shit cam but why have a cam on you phone if you have a good one in the first place.

yer it don't have 3g but ever other phone on the market has not got youtube player or Edge and some dont even have wifi.

it has got bluetooth on it and I'll edit this if I ever get to use it.

by the way I'm on my iPhone now and in still amazed at the speed of the Internet.

I'm not having a go, but your arguement doesn't hold up about the camera really...

It might do, if you didn't contradict yourself by saying "ever other phone on the market has not got youtube player ", because then people will just use your original argumenet and say why do you need that when you have a PC...

The point is, and i agree, that you never know when you might need to get a photo. It's very rare you could really do with watching a video on youtube!! The camera is an opportunist conveniency, where the youtube is a comfort luxury.

I just got a new o2 contract with a K850i, largely becasue of the amazing shots the camera does (Y)


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