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Tf Video Upload Finished. Well Stage 1 Anyway


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I *think* most of the bugs have been ironed out now.

If you have any problems uploading, please let me know, it'd be much appreciated. If you can get a screenshot that'd be good.

I've since added,

List of members videos


Video details page

Download counter

Any suggestions on Categories to add let me know here. 24"? TrialsKings? Zoo?

Still to add..

Convert videos to .flv (youtube style)


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Im slightly confused ....

is this just plain upload / download ? or conversion so you watch streaming as that seems to be the only option ....

click on download - you go to a page playing the vid - try and right click the link you dont get the right file to save ?

QUCK EDIT : you cant have spaces in the filenames !!!! seems abit mean.

Edited by manuel
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Im slightly confused ....

is this just plain upload / download ? or conversion so you watch streaming as that seems to be the only option ....

click on download - you go to a page playing the vid - try and right click the link you dont get the right file to save ?

QUCK EDIT : you cant have spaces in the filenames !!!! seems abit mean.

It should come up with a 'save file as' box when you click download, but if your browser is set to automatically open video files then it might just try and stream them. Should be able to sort that out though.

At the moment it is plain upload/download like tv.isg, apart from we have a browser based upload, and with tv.isg you have to have an FTP account.

Working on converting the videos on the server as we speak, so you can watch them online like on youtube, OR download the original file (for the purists)

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Im slightly confused ....

is this just plain upload / download ? or conversion so you watch streaming as that seems to be the only option ....

click on download - you go to a page playing the vid - try and right click the link you dont get the right file to save ?

QUCK EDIT : you cant have spaces in the filenames !!!! seems abit mean.

Wont let me download like.

Just goes to a quicktime player when i click download, and when i try to "save link as" it comes up as a text file.

thats what I should have said.

Should force you to download now, can you try it and let me know?

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Trying to edit thumb ......

Warning: Can't open movie file /home/trials/public_html/forum/videos/DreamsofGlass.avi in /home/trials/domains/trials-forum.co.uk/public_html/forum/sources/components_public/video.php on line 36

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFrame() on a non-object in /home/trials/domains/trials-forum.co.uk/public_html/forum/sources/components_public/video.php on line 38

no worky

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Trying to edit thumb ......

no worky

Erm, dreamsofglass.avi isn't on the server... did you delete it? I know it was there before.. Don't see how it could have been deleted without it being deleted from the database as well though :S Will have to look into it. You'll need to reupload it I'm afraid >_<

As for comments, do people want them? Theres comments in the gallery but nobody ever uses them... I'll probably end up adding them anyway, just not high on the list of priorities at the moment.

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Erm, dreamsofglass.avi isn't on the server... did you delete it? I know it was there before.. Don't see how it could have been deleted without it being deleted from the database as well though :S Will have to look into it. You'll need to reupload it I'm afraid >_<

As for comments, do people want them? Theres comments in the gallery but nobody ever uses them... I'll probably end up adding them anyway, just not high on the list of priorities at the moment.

no i didnt delete it - never mind - i was just having a play .... looks prettyn darn swish at the moment


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Have just encoded your new file manuel :)

Soon it'll encode after you upload, just encoding all the previously uploaded files atm.

Nice !!!

just being picky - none of the screen size controls work for me (Im only saying that because i want to know what smooth video does (well how it looks)) - and the current size of the box with video in is neither 4:3 or widescreen giving you black bars whatever you are watching (really picky)

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Nice !!!

just being picky - none of the screen size controls work for me (Im only saying that because i want to know what smooth video does (well how it looks)) - and the current size of the box with video in is neither 4:3 or widescreen giving you black bars whatever you are watching (really picky)

Feel free to be picky :P I'm a perfectionist (sometimes)

RE, smooth video - "If the movie should be smoothed(interpolated). Can make scaled up videos look less pixelated." :huh:

For the record you can right click videos and select full screen.

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Videos now converted after upload (automatically).

Stuff to do

  • youtube-ify view video page (similar videos, videos by member etc)
  • Comments
  • Sort out categories
  • Stats
  • Users viewing this.. (maybe, if its not too difficult :P)
  • delete thumbnail on video delete
  • num of views as well as downloads
  • proper 'are you sure you want to delete' page
  • add vidupload button to top of cat pages
  • change Last upload or whatever to 'last file info'
  • change number of files to 'videos'
  • error on no categories selected
  • any more suggestions?
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A random video has now been added to the first page. Feel free to have a look :)

Suggestions still welcome. I'm going to sort this mod out so that other Invision Forum owners can use it. Got a few requests so expect to see these in the near future..

  • Embed Youtube Video
  • Featured Video (of the week/month/whatever)
  • Comments
  • Embed videos in posts
  • Optional create topic on video upload
  • Embed code for posting on other websites
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Getting a problem with this.

I click download, it goes to the download window then says starting or words to that effect.

then it just removes the video asif it is complete. go to play it, nothing has even downloaded??

Any help?

The download link is broken at the moment, you'll just have to watch online for the time being. I'll get it sorted this evening :)

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