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Wireless Connection Help!

Olly C

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I'm looking for some help on this connection problem I've been having, I'll list as much as I know:

I have a WiFi USB Dongle its the one here.

I have my broadband split through this router which connects to my PC, a second PC, my 360 and my PS3 all with no problems to my knowledge.

I use the WiFi USB Dongle only for my Wii or DS and again as far as I can see it seems to be working fine..

BUT when ever I plug the thing in it searches for a while and once established it says "Status: Limited or No Connectivity" why is it doing this and how can I fix this problem?


Cheers Olly

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Click properties and the a tab saying wireless conection or something like that and tick the box select the network in the box below and see if that works.

i believe the problem is to do with the ip adress or something. it happens to me so i do that and it solves it and works.

Edited by basher
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From your screen grab i can see you are running ZoneAlarm me thinks this might be the more likely problem check settings, also make sure you are not running the window builtin firewall the sametime as zonealarm. If all the setting are fine then your router may have security setup on it and then it depends on what type but could be a issuse of when you very first plugged the dongle into the pc and entered/cancelled the password/key input dialog box and now uses what was ever entered as a default ( hard to explain... sorry ) anyway just disconnect the network connection ( not by removing the dongle ) and then re-fresh the wireless connections list then re-connect to the wireless this should prompt you for the key/password again if you have one set. Hope this make sense. But I still think it will be Zonealarm stopping the connection.

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Well after about 5 hours of trying so many different things I finally managed to get the thing working fine.

It's working in a way I've never seen before but it seems fast and has no error's so thats good.

For the record it had nothing to do with any of the following Internet Connection Sharing/Bridging the Internet Connection/Zone Alarm/Windows Firewall

I think in the end I sorted it through re-installing certain drivers, re-setting my ZyDAS Wireless USB settings and maybe some luck too :P

My ISP is Virgin Media/NTL by the way..


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