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The Duck

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I've seen topics along these lines before, but I'm completely pissed off with the situation now.

Was out riding today, to begin with it was just the two of us. We were riding on some walls outside the 'Abingdon GuildHall' car park, which is just round the corner from the local council offices etc, they have meetings in the guildhall.

I was standing up on the wall taking a break and some old bird (i say old, probably around 45) came out and said 'Get off that wall please'. I said why, and she just kept repeating herself, which was rather frustrating, so I said why is it in your interest for me to get off this wall? Anyway it transpired she worked for the council. Her argument was the usual one, I was damaging the walls, so I showed her that actually the only part of my bike touching the walls was my tyres and tyres don’t break stone walls. She then started to come out with a load of old bollocks about “Would you ride your bike all over your walls?” “If I had some walls, then yes of course I would.”. She then implied (can’t remember her exact words) that, yes our parents would probably let us do that because we’re scum. After a few light hearted comments were exchanged (‘Haven’t you got anything better to do?’ ‘I did try collecting stamps but it wasn’t really my cup of tea’) She called Stanton an ‘Arrogant little willy’ out of the blue. The conversation descended into a slagging match. Threats of calling the police were made…

Two traffic wardens and 2 other old gits from the council decided to get involved, but at least they had something constructive to say like; go to meetings, write letters etc. To which Stanton said well I was doing that with DJ when he was still around and look where it got us.

Anyway, we moved to another riding spot, as we had had our names taken down by two coppers there the other week. A few minutes after we got to the other riding spot round the corner, the police arrived. Apparently they had been watching us on CCTV and what we were doing was endangering passing members of the public. They had apparently had complaints… (Tenner says it was those f**king traffic wardens and that fat bitch sizabley challenged member of the female persuasion from the council) After a lengthy discussion, we had our names taken down, and they said that if they received another complaint we’d be arrested!! Writing that has just made me think – well arrested for what exactly? Riding my bike on a wall?

To make matters worse, at the DJ ride a few months earlier, the mayor had near enough promised us a trials park. Where is the joined up thinking there? Some reasonable high-ups in the local council telling us we are arrogant little pricks?

Could the police actually arrest us for doing that?


I'm really not a happy bunny.

Sorry for the essay.

Edit: Rudeness

Edited by Quackers
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from the first part of your thread it seems that infact you were in the wrong and if u were asked to leave you should of without question , but on the other hand the manor the woman spoke to you in was jsut plain rude . As far as iam aware you could be arested if enough complaints are made against you , also rember if you are riding a mod bike on the pavement it is not a crime because you wheels are under 20" classed as a childs bike .

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Any money its just scare tactics. Its pathetic. Iv only had that one encouter with the police when we were riding. They wernt even real police, anyway everyone with any sence around here knows the council are complete c**ts. Remeber the skatepark that was just built was promised to the skaters in around 2002 i belive it was guaranteed to be done by june 2004....... And hey look they just about managed it by the end of july 07. Dont get your hopes up about the trials park ariving any time soon.

We wont get arrested. even if we do what they gunna do? put us in a cell for a few hours until our rents come get us? And somhow i dont think my dad will give a shit.

But i agree the police+council are shit round here.

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from the first part of your thread it seems that infact you were in the wrong and if u were asked to leave you should of without question , but on the other hand the manor the woman spoke to you in was jsut plain rude . As far as iam aware you could be arested if enough complaints are made against you , also rember if you are riding a mod bike on the pavement it is not a crime because you wheels are under 20" classed as a childs bike .

Hm, but its public property which must make some difference?

We aren't a bunch of stubborn buggers, we do move when people aren't aggressive/rude but when people are, it just makes my little b*****d side shine through.

Not riding a mod either, don't think that'd stop them to be honest.


Any money its just scare tactics. Its pathetic. Iv only had that one encouter with the police when we were riding. They wernt even real police, anyway everyone with any sence around here knows the council are complete c**ts. Remeber the skatepark that was just built was promised to the skaters in around 2002 i belive it was guaranteed to be done by june 2004....... And hey look they just about managed it by the end of july 07. Dont get your hopes up about the trials park ariving any time soon.

We wont get arrested. even if we do what they gunna do? put us in a cell for a few hours until our rents come get us? And somhow i dont think my dad will give a shit.

But i agree the police+council are shit round here.

Right, my mum wouldn't be fussed either really because I'm not doing anything wrong.

But we'd still get a criminal record, chances are, and that can mess up future opportunities (jobs etc.).

Edited by Quackers
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Don't they have anything better to do than get some people off of a wall on there bike?

We got moved from on some benches, they said is it ok if they moved us on so we just went yeah fair enough and went. But nothing was said to the kids wheeling around the roundabout.


Edited by Ashkwil
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I've been threatened several times by the pigs cops to have my bike conviscated, but when its happened ive been with at least 5 other people all on bikes so how are they really going to conviscate 5 trials bikes?!?! its just not guna happen

Edited by richhill123
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Right, my mum wouldn't be fussed either really because I'm not doing anything wrong.

But we'd still get a criminal record, chances are, and that can mess up future opportunities (jobs etc.).

true but i still cant see it happening personally. I could be wrong and i dont want a criminal record either but there isnt much we can do really. just keep riding and hope it doesnt happen.

End of the day its a joke wer riding on some walls in other places around this area people are getting kicked the shit out of and stuff.

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Sounds pretty bad, but nothing compared to what happened to me and some mates a few weeks ago. We were riding at an old dis-used train yard area, right out of the publics way. Saw a guy coming towards us so we thought we'd move down a bit just too avoid any hassle. Just as we'd started to move, we saw that the guy had started running after us, so we stepped up the pace a bit and headed to the bottom way out of the train yard. As we were going along we saw 2 policeman running down towards us to cut us off, soon as we realised it was the police we got off our bikes and walked over to them. One of them was ok but the other one was a right willy, he asked who was oldest, I put my hand up and said "me". He then grabbed my arm and said "you're under arrest" which stunned me, I asked what for and then tried to pull my arm away. Then himself and the other policemen grabbed an arm each, put it behind my back and pinned me to the ground! One policemen then kicked my bike out of the way and told my mate (who was 2 broken wrists) too take it along. He then told them if anyone ran, it would be me getting into trouble for it. The policemen wouldn't let me walk along on my own and each had one of my arms behind my back, which was pretty f**king uncomfortable! They walked us for about 500-600 yards and then stopped and phoned for some vans to come out, told me I was going to be put in the cells for the weekend and my mates were going to be taken home. Our details were then taken (at this point I knew they were gonna let us go home alone). I was then pulled aside and told that I was being charged with tresspassing! My mates were also charged later that day when the police went round to their houses. They then sent us home, told me that I may or may not have to go to court, depends what happens really.

All this for messing about on our bikes! We also had never had any warnings from the police for riding this area, which I've been riding at for the past 2-3 years!

Anyway, theres my story for the night lol.

Edited by David20
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Thats an absolute disgrace.

Not bothered about chavs setting off firworks in wheelie bins, nicking people bins and burning them in a fire in a dis-used field which laster at least 5 hours.

Nothing better to do.

Dealing with chavs, for the police would mean alot of running around and TONS of paperwork, hence why they pick on inoncent people that won't give 'em any grief, c**ts the lot of 'em.

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you shouldnt of given her the chance to "keep repeating herself" if you had just moved on as soon as she asked, there would of been no problem, but you gave the gob....

david: they were well within there right to nick you for trespassing, all train yards etc (in use or disused) are private property. the reason they cuffed you was due to the fact instead of seeing what the guys problem was, you bolted making yourself look guilty. also you tried pulling you arm back, they didnt know you werent about to lump em one..

the moral of the story: if someone asks you to leave... LEAVE! if a cop tries nicking you, dont make any sudden movements...

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you shouldnt of given her the chance to "keep repeating herself" if you had just moved on as soon as she asked, there would of been no problem, but you gave the gob....

david: they were well within there right to nick you for trespassing, all train yards etc (in use or disused) are private property. the reason they cuffed you was due to the fact instead of seeing what the guys problem was, you bolted making yourself look guilty. also you tried pulling you arm back, they didnt know you werent about to lump em one..

the moral of the story: if someone asks you to leave... LEAVE! if a cop tries nicking you, dont make any sudden movements...

Ben, seriosly? when did u turn into such an old man. ?

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if you are riding a mod bike on the pavement it is not a crime because you wheels are under 20" classed as a childs bike .

I really wish people would stop saying/thinking that...

Welcome to trials, basically. You're going to get it, so you're going to have to deal with it. Comes with the territory unfortunately

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Generally speaking, the safest thing to do is not to rock the boat. If you're asked to leave - just do it, and be civil. In fact, the less civil they are to you - the better it makes you look.

As far as arresting. Unfortunately, if a police officer wants to - he will, and then think of why later. Disturbing the piece, criminal damage (if they find brick on your bash plate for example), no lights, blah blah. They could even confiscate your bikes. It really isn't worth arguing. As gut-wrenching as it feels, you just have to play nice, and play the game.

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The best thing to do is just to move and unless the person gets aggressive or is drunk or stupid then talk to them and try to explain that you're only out getting fit and you are in no way trying to damage the wall. Usually they will just say fair enough just try not to ride here or something along those lines.

anyway lifes a bitch i got attacked by an middle aged man because I dropped a glass bottle when I tripped over a kerb would he have attacked someone his own age nah just wanted to teach me a lesson cause I was young. anyway i warned him why it was wrong to attack someone in the street then broke his ribs and put him in hospital lol

duffus thats real serious I would expect a citation letter pretty soon if i was you.

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Ok Guys, here is how it stands at the moment.

The Mayor has asked me to get you lads to organise a petition about not having anywhere to ride safely. She really is keen to get this started but needs for you ALL to keep out of trouble or it will get Trials Riders a bad name, and no one will help so called yobs.

I understand fully how frustrating this is for you but projects like this take time and money and at the moment there isn't any.

Lorraine Oakes (the Mayor of Abingdon) suggested to me that if you were to do some fund raising yourselves the council is more likely to listen as it is showing you are prepared to get involved too. A garage sale, a sponsored bike competition, i don't know use your imagination and let me know how you are getting on.

Max if your mum would like to talk to me about getting involved with this project email me your contact details and i will endeavour to call her back asap.

Love Sue x :deej::bunny::deej: (A)

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Organise more big rides, like the DJ memorial but about 1 a month, and ask for donations for a trials park in his name.

Set up a paypal account and ask for donations from forum members, ask Tarty if they want to sponser it if you put big TartyBikes stickers all over it.

When we get told off, we always just say, well we know it's wrong, but we're going to do it anyway, or, ok, we'll come back in 10 mins, depending on who it is.

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