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Just A Thought

Charlie Jennings

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  ZeroMatt said:
Wouldn't be very good really, think about it the time for one to engage is then added to the other so you will end up with double the length of pedal stroke to engage both so will be like riding with a deore hub.

And it is twice as likely to skip.

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Adding an extra freewheel just gives more things to fail - given that the nastiest accidents happen when the chain skips or the freewheel doesn't engage quickly it's a very bad idea I reckon. Incidentally, anyone tried industry 9 hubs? 120 engagement points - even more than the 72 on Chris King hubs :o...

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A lad that lives near us had a profile hub but didnt like it as he was waiting to sell it he had a profile and a try-all freewheel to be honnest it felt no differt its pointless to spend money on both when it will feel the exact same it wasnt really a slow engagment but it wasent exacly worth the extra how ever much more he paid.

if you have money to chuck about me thinks a mini king and be done with it haha.

Jack :)

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Yeah it will work fine i did it while waiting for a part. But you will get less pickups because if you think about it. If you had a fixed cog thats like the ultimate pickup as theres nothing to engage on it its striaght there. If you run a freewheel as well you have to wait for the freewheel to pick up and then chain slack and then for the freehub to engage.

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  elcristoff-t-pro said:
My year old tensile (never evr skipped before) decided to explode the otherday. about 10 mins fixiture and its still running on all 6 pawls. there bloody legend :)

My ENO's got.... some missing pawls.... dunno how many... 2?

never bothered relacing it... never fails :)

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I too am trying to get my head around what Dan said.

Surely because it has a front freewheel the chain goes around whilst rolling, but the rear wheel spins not the rear cog when rolling so the chain has to be stationary, but then theres a front freewheel so what the hell is that doing?

Eeeek!!! :S

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What would happen is the freewheel on the cranks would have to engage, then the hub on the rear.

Some people think that becuase the front freewheel will have more resistance it'll just act as a fixed cog. But that's not right becuase when you pedal backwards the freewheel would move.

The whole thing would feel like you had a dicta freewheel on there.

No advantages what so ever.

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its terrible terrible terrrible...i did it when i broke my axle for a wee while..

had an LX hub and an eno freewheel. Chain does not move whilst rolling since you have a freehub. As everyone has already said, engagement is some fraction of whichever engagement device has the lowest number of engagments...

and it's heavy and expensive and meh

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