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How Old Were You When You Stopped Believing?


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I hate it when people spoil it, I was at school at someone told me he wasn't real, then I laughed and said everyone knows he is. So he said how does he get in your house then.

I was like. "Through the letterbox, he taps his nose and turns into some golden dust, then the dust floats through, then he reappears".

Then when I got home, I told my Mum expecting her to lol with me.

"Muel," She said, "It's not normal for 14 year olds to still believe that Father Christmas is real".

I cried.

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Didn't come to the TF crew campsite then... were you with Chris...

I can't honestly say i ever belived... just always a yea right thing....

I was a smart child with loads of nasty big people arround me :(

Yeah Chris ward! This was like year before last! Emm... 2006!

Did we ride that big log together?? I had an Onza T-Vee


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Santa (being St Nicholas) is/was real in every sense of the word, he was born in something like 200-300AD in Patara (greece/Turkey area)! .......the bit I can't remember beleiving was that he was a fat dude who brough all my presents down the chimney!

I am sure i did beleive it as a really young kid but have no real recolection of beleiving it, probably the fact every year our presents were under a tree in the living room!


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