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Mike W

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Not done it for a while, but when you think about dying and theres just like nothing at all.

Everyone else in the world is carrying on as normal but your dead, its odd, just there being nothing at all.

Anyone got there own ideas about what they think will happen when they die? is it just nothing at all? or do you think there is something after you die.

It scares me alot thinking that one day your going to die and after that there is nothing else forever.

So what are trials forums thoughts about death ?


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I think i'll just lie in the ground adding to the soils nutrients and giving worms a nice meal?

Im not really asking what you seriously think will happen, I mean like not even being able to think just nothing and how everything else will be the same to everyone else when you have had such a huge change.

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just like before you were born.

I do think about the moment of death though when it all fades away. Assuming it was one of those `I'm going deaths` will it be like falling asleep / getting knocked out / getting that needle in the dentist count to ten thing? ...I'm gonna grit my teeth and fight it, but that never seems to work in the dentists?

Had/have a friend who had a near death experience... said he was sitting on an endless row of plastic chairs next to some gates, told me he gripped those chairs `for dear life` and wouldn't let go, then the doctor saved his life of somethin?

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This subject is not worth thinking about. lets face people, we had NO CHOICE, when we enter this world, and we have NO CHOICE, when we leave this world. so why think about something that we ultimately have NO POWER of control to prevent. All living things inevitably die, that course and purpose of life governed by the unseen forces of nature. Personally, i feel most sorry for millions of people who are gonna die when nature unleashes its ugly head and wipes out everyone on this planet. thankfully, i wont be around to see that disaster if i live to see the next 40-60yrs as a fully functioning human and not stuck in a wheelchair or hospital bed being force feed, arrh the thought!

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Hahahahahha, made me laugh at least.

I think at the minute i just believe they'll be nothing, sure it's hard to comprehend but however much i try i just can't force myself to believe in some sort of afterlife. If there is then i'd go for ghosts or some sort of parallel universe very similair rather then any heaven or hell.

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As i saw on a comedy programme...it doesnt state what kinda virgins were talking about here i mean, im pretty sure that there must be some pug ugly 60 year old virgin women around, so i think its more of a gamble with who you get.

Just get ashes purified and made into a diamond....might as well make something worth something.

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MAYBE, thousands of years in the future, people, or whoever, have found a way to bring anyone they want, back to life... So, when you die, you instantly wake up in the future... Revived...

This is the closest thing to an afterlife I can imagine... But other than that, yeah... you just die and there's nothing...

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You cant experience "nothing" unless you have a concious thought, Which you dont if you are dead.

This is why I think so many people turn to religion, they, like you hate the idea of everything carrying on after they have died, they want it to mean or have meant something :/

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to go a little deeper into this, whos to say death is even the end??? as we only know whats present in this life(in fact we dont even know that, all we know is whats in our own heads, and even thats just our interperetation of things we think we are seeing, touching, feeling , smelling etc)

this life as we know it, may just be a dream were having in a sleep in a deeper life, who knows, all this could be in your head,in your dream. all of us dont exist, were just characters in your dream.

likewise this life may just be a pre life, we may be given this short time on "earth" as we know it, to prove wether we are worthy to live in the real civilization.

whos to say were not all some characters in a mmorpg.

whos to say this isnt heaven/hell and weve already lived, but we have no recollection of our previous lifes(much in the same way people claim to remember a previous life in the 1600's etc, and most of us dont have any recollection of ours, similar kind of idea)

although i fail to see how i got into heaven, short of saving the world, unless god was looking the other way from 1997-2006? and it cant be hell, cos claire from hero's is here. (although maybe in heaven id be married to her)

this whole universe could be a science experiment for some alien creatures, our whole universe could be contained in one of their test tubes. as size is only relative to what we know, in relation to them, we could be the size of a single atom. but well never know.

theres my post on just how insignificant/significant we may or may not be.

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