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Wide lens, slow flash, maybe rear curtain. low iso. noise is just horrible. Shutter speed of maybe 1 second or so. Just try anything and everything. Slow flash tends to be good if theres enough lights.

That was putting it very very simply :P

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  Tomm said:
She'll be pissed and out of tune.

Who keeps up with celeb gossip? That's right, me!

What more could i ask for?? a pissed singer on stage..surley going to do something rash and stupid. I get the pictures..exclusiveness..in the papers all the next day. Geniousssssss.

I wasnt implying i was happy about seeing amy winehouse lol. I dont like her at all lol. Stoopid beehive barnet biacth haha

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  *OnzaMike* said:
any body on here got the 400d i got some real noob questions to ask. :P

no matter what i try and do on M mode its always -2.0 under exposed :S and ive read the book on how to change that but it doesnt work :S

If its always -2.0 no matter what you do then it sounds like your ''aperature compensation'' is set-up that way, you need to reset it to cenre to allow you to have full (normal) control over it. Look that up in your manual - if thats no good then i'll have a look at my camera and try and remember how you change it.

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  Matthew62 said:
If its always -2.0 no matter what you do then it sounds like your ''aperature compensation'' is set-up that way, you need to reset it to cenre to allow you to have full (normal) control over it. Look that up in your manual - if thats no good then i'll have a look at my camera and try and remember how you change it.

That's not right, in manual mode there is no exposure compensation.

Onzamike - you just need to adjust the shutter speed (slower)/aperture(bigger number) and maybe ISO until you get something that looks right - the exposure meter should be in the middle if you want a 'perfectly' exposed shot. But then if you're just aiming for the middle, you may as well just use Tv or have mode as they will do some of the hard work for you.

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noise is still a bitchin problem with a 400d (same as the 350d) try not to go over 600 cus the image will look w*ank. But yer as people say have a play, depends on the lighting around you, streetlights, moon light, pitch black all depends, just keep shooting at low lights and you will learn pritty soon what works and what doesn't where and when.

If you shoot alot in low light the first thing you should consider upgrading is a flash, one with ettl, maybe 430ex, just because its easy, you can chill and concentrate on getting the shot and not worry about exposure and flash intensity + you can get a bit creative when you feel more confident.

and as Christmas is coming........santa could bring you a Canon L series 70-200 f/2.8 thats good for low light sports!

(attached a shot with a canon 350d with sigma glass at 1000 ISO so you can have a look at the noise and what to avoid.)


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  M-i-t-c-h said:
noise is still a bitchin problem with a 400d (same as the 350d) try not to go over 600 cus the image will look w*ank. But yer as people say have a play, depends on the lighting around you, streetlights, moon light, pitch black all depends, just keep shooting at low lights and you will learn pritty soon what works and what doesn't where and when.

If you shoot alot in low light the first thing you should consider upgrading is a flash, one with ettl, maybe 430ex, just because its easy, you can chill and concentrate on getting the shot and not worry about exposure and flash intensity + you can get a bit creative when you feel more confident.

and as Christmas is coming........santa could bring you a Canon L series 70-200 f/2.8 thats good for low light sports!

(attached a shot with a canon 350d with sigma glass at 1000 ISO so you can have a look at the noise and what to avoid.)

he just bought a 400d, i doubt hes gonna go spend 800quid on a lens...

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  *OnzaMike* said:
any body on here got the 400d i got some real noob questions to ask. :P

no matter what i try and do on M mode its always -2.0 under exposed :S and ive read the book on how to change that but it doesnt work :S

Ive got a 400d. Try using the have and Tv modes. They work nicely for me.

Im still working out the M (manual) mode too. That confuses me :lol:

When youve been to the gig. post some of your pictures up and tell us how it went.

Good luck


Yeah, and Jeasus. NO FLASH AT GIGS. think how annoying that would be for the audience and the band.

  M-i-t-c-h said:
If you shoot alot in low light the first thing you should consider upgrading is a flash, one with ettl, maybe 430ex, just because its easy, you can chill and concentrate on getting the shot and not worry about exposure and flash intensity + you can get a bit creative when you feel more confident.

+1 If you have the money :lol:

Edited by cjskate
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No flash at gig's is bullshit. Completely depends where you're shooting. We're not all shooting at venues like the Hammersmith with massive amounts of lighting. Try shooting at some of the venues round here without a flash and getting shots without pumping your ISO up to about 1600. Not gonna happen. The duration of a flash is about 1/1000th of a second on full power, so when you're shooting something like 1/8th or 1/64th like I end up doing at shows, you barely even see the flash. I've never had any complaints at gigs anyway and I've shot a fair few.

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I didnt bother taking the camera in the end... much to my annoyance every bugger there was shooting right in the bands faces with flash ha! gutted. As soon as i got home that evening, i some how managed to sort the problem but its tempramental. cheers for all the replies will keep playing :D. lenses will be next year, maybe if i get a loan for a new car i will add a bit more for a decent one :P.

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I always find that funny too, saw a clip from a past olympics event on TV the other day and as soon as the starting gun went there was about a million flashes in the crowd.

Back to flash at gigs... I've even used wireless flashes left dotted around the stage before whilst shooting, so that I could get a shot from anywhere and guarantee it'd come out fine.

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