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British Elite Champion Joe Seddon Signs For Onza


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As the topic says, We at Onza are pleased to announce that Joe Seddon will be rider for Onza in the new season, Other new members of the 08' team will soon be announced.

Here is Joe's New Bike, In the prototype stages now of course. Hopefully to be released next year.


Edited by Joe@Onza
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Got to be honest, but I think that looks hideous. No doubt it's a good strong design but because it doesn't conform to the usual design of mods I think it looks wrong, coupled with Onza's history of making bikes with chubby tubing it just doesn't do the bike any justice aesthetically. A light bike should look light, and half the time with Onza a bike that is light, like the old T-mag looks chunky and obese because of the tubing. Not trying to start an argument or rub anyone up the wrong way but that's the impression I get when I look at pretty much all Onzas. Oh an the god awful, very dated, Onza writing is just the icing on the cake. Glad it's not on the proto.

Just out of interest who designs the frames for Onza?

edit: congrats to Joe, I wish him all the best in the new season.

Edited by Scopse
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Its Ok Scopse, Its why I post images. But saying every Onza you have seen looks like it, well Do you really want me to prove you wrong by up loading a couple of the 50 or so frames we have designed? By the way, I made the sticker. thought the existing logo is a bit too hard to make out on that frame. But I guess at 22, I'm dated and unfashionable. I mean, I haven't quite caught up with the gay tight jean society yet. :-

Plus, that bike is really light and It rides a dream.

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Im guessing the idea behind the frame is to improve stiffness by using that design like the vario was and the *** frame is. Looks good. You seem to be making so many prototypes though and not bring any of them out and it seems like all these prototypes are really good, it seems like everyone thinks of onza mods as beginner bikes and you arnt changeing that by bring one of these protos out and wowing people. I think this frame no matter how good it is will have the problem that some people wont like its looks and people these days take that as a big thing looks.

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  Joe@Onza said:
Its Ok Scopse, Its why I post images. But saying every Onza you have seen looks like it, well Do you really want me to prove you wrong by up loading a couple of the 50 or so frames we have designed? By the way, I made the sticker. thought the existing logo is a bit too hard to make out on that frame. But I guess at 22, I'm dated and unfashionable. I mean, I haven't quite caught up with the gay tight jean society yet. :-

Plus, that bike is really light and It rides a dream.

I really don't doubt it at all, every Onza I've ever ridden has been pretty much spot on.

You don't have to be in with the gay tight jeans society to realise the old Onza logo is way outdated and honestly looks naff right? Something very similar to your own logo would be spot on (just a plain readable clean font would be 'fashionable' look at deng logos, as much as I regret to say it, the look good) and I don't doubt that the 50 or so frames that you have designed are all chubby frames I just thought it would be good for the reputation if a frame was brought out, that rides as good an Onza, has thought put into it but also has some of the stuff that gives a bike 'sex appeal' (like simplicity). I think the t-pro was such a big hit because it was a simple design and good value, shame about the baby poo green paintjob though :P .

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Fair point, The graphic is just a sticker for now. Its a very clear logo though. Thats why I chose it.

The Limey 20" and The Ice frame will be available next year along with this little bad boy. More then likely spring time.

He is pro now. ha ha. Was really impressed with him down in London and his whole attitude makes us proud to have him on board. Well done Joe

One More pic


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Please dont take offence as i know nothing about anything but it does look a little ....... well ....... crappy.

Its just looks too complicated, there is nothing sleek about it in my oppinion. It probably rides very nicely but cant see it selling as a high profile mod. Sorry

Congrats Joe, well done fella! I'm sure you will ride it like a beast

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Who's guessing I was abit bored?

Anyway, sorry to Tarty for graffitting on their picture.


Okay so I'm pretty appauling at Photoshop, but they say a picture paints a thousand words. So that's what I was thinking basically, the limey is a nice simple shape frame anyway, just logo and paintjob in opinion of alot of people think it looks 'cheap'.

So I personally think this looks abit cleaner, 'fashionable' as you say and updated.

Whats your opinion?

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would this be the jo who rode the xtp 2 at hook woods?

if so ur blates one hell of a rider and i want to see some natty videos

;) ......

the bike.......at first it looked like a vario.....

get a monty stem on that and some monty risers and your away

looks tidy though

i agree with scopes on the big fat tubeing though

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Youve removed gusseting though and the whole point of that was to make the frame stronger and stiffer. I dont think it looks cheap at all the limey infact i think it looks great and what onza need to start doing is making more frame like that and changeing them from being known as a company to go to for a beginner bike and thats it. The tensile products have been a big hit and what i feel onza need to do now is bring more quality parts out like them and more frames that people would ride at world level like the limey. I do think graphics wise onza could do with a update and also to start using better colours. Onza frames are so dull these days with the darker colours and people at the moment are loveing the stealth look (black) and white and silver and just something abit more brighter and uplifting that makes you feel good when your on the bike standing out because people say wooo because the bikes colour and graphics look cool and people not saying it to your mate on the deng.

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  Scopse said:
Got to be honest, but I think that looks hideous. No doubt it's a good strong design but because it doesn't conform to the usual design of mods I think it looks wrong, coupled with Onza's history of making bikes with chubby tubing it just doesn't do the bike any justice aesthetically. A light bike should look light, and half the time with Onza a bike that is light, like the old T-mag looks chunky and obese because of the tubing. Not trying to start an argument or rub anyone up the wrong way but that's the impression I get when I look at pretty much all Onzas. Oh an the god awful, very dated, Onza writing is just the icing on the cake. Glad it's not on the proto.

Just out of interest who designs the frames for Onza?

edit: congrats to Joe, I wish him all the best in the new season.

frank the welder...

seriously though, nice original design :-

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