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Earning Money While In The Usa


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The thing is, i'm trying to think how it'd be if i lived there. Would i be marrying this girl if i lived there, no.

If i were to get married it'd just be a legal thing, like i've said befor. No rings to white dress etc. I am prepared to do that if needs be, we both are. But i feel it would take the meaning out of our real wedding a few years to come. Which i really don't want.

There are lots of reason why it makes more sence for me to go there. For a start it's the gentlemanly thing to do. It's better for me finacally and emotionly too.

Trials punk i get what your saying, but as much as i feel getting married wouldn't be right, i do it over getting a job or training for a job that i didn't really want to do.

Edited by JT!
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JT man, i dont know you at all, so forgive this emotionless response:

IF you can see yourself with this girl at 30 (minimum) THEN:

book a flight. get a job (ANY F**KING JOB). marry her (find a way to redo your vows later in life with meaning if you need to). live happy ever after.


get a life, realise you are young and move on. take it as the wonders of the internet.


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Just dont go simple.

Or make her come over here,

pretty sure just about anybody is allowed in the UK these days seen as though its British and all.


As said befor she can't come over here for various reasons.

If i were to work under the table, what do you think the chances are that i'd get caught, what would happen if i did?

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I live in Minnesota and I love Duluth and hope to live there one day.

About this whole situation. If you come to the USA and you don't have some sort of degree or training you will not have a job that pays well. Which equals living in really crappy neighborhoods with high crime. If you have a job that pays 7 dollars an hour you will barely have money to buy food after paying rent and other expenses. I am basically trying to say that you will have a very hard life and will be forced to work a ton of hours.

If I were in your shoes I would go to college in the USA and be able to live with your GF and spend time with her and really get to know her. Don't just look at the short term, I would really think things out and make a plan on how you will support yourself for the rest of your life.

Good luck and let up know what you decide on.

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As said befor she can't come over here for various reasons.

If i were to work under the table, what do you think the chances are that i'd get caught, what would happen if i did?

50/50 chance of getting busted. if busted you will get arrested, criminal record, deported back to uk and also probs banned from america... but apart from that its all cushty

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I live in Minnesota and I love Duluth and hope to live there one day.

About this whole situation. If you come to the USA and you don't have some sort of degree or training you will not have a job that pays well. Which equals living in really crappy neighborhoods with high crime. If you have a job that pays 7 dollars an hour you will barely have money to buy food after paying rent and other expenses. I am basically trying to say that you will have a very hard life and will be forced to work a ton of hours.

If I were in your shoes I would go to college in the USA and be able to live with your GF and spend time with her and really get to know her. Don't just look at the short term, I would really think things out and make a plan on how you will support yourself for the rest of your life.

Good luck and let up know what you decide on.

Hi, thanks for the info.

My situation if i could get over there would be pretty good. I'd be paying very little in rent, like $100 a month. I can't really see how i'd be living a hard life, everything out there is soo cheap. Fule is 2.5 times cheaper out there. Clothes are also about half the pirce out there, and food isn't far off.

50/50 chance of getting busted. if busted you will get arrested, criminal record, deported back to uk and also probs banned from america... but apart from that its all cushty

Yeah i went off the idea of working cash in hand a while back, can't risk it.

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Jt, where do you get this idea that everything is so cheap? America isnt cheap? not in the slightest. Having been there 6 times, i can honestly say, i have no idea where you get this idea from.

'Gas', food, clothes and electronical items are cheaper, and that's just not comparing it to £'s, it's comparing it to the avergae wage there.

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avrage wage here now is what?? like £5.50? so that like $11usd. I think youll struggle to find a job earning that much.

I said comparing prices to the average wage there. Something like $8 per hour is an average wage there i would say.

Ayway, it doesn't matter if it's cheap out there or stupidly expensive, it's not going to stop me from living there. Immigration laws are doing a good enough job of that as it is.

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50/50 chance of getting busted. if busted you will get arrested, criminal record, deported back to uk and also probs banned from america... but apart from that its all cushty

the criminal record is enough to get you banned from the u.s.a, i got done for criminal damage(was digging dirt jumps on a patch of scrub land, 3 of us where, but due to to the police response when the officer asked for back up(3 lads, 3 bikes, 1 of him, 2 alleyways adjacent to the scrub land and a road can see he kind of us expected us to do one) it ended up with a dog van, 6 panda cars and a riot van there, (total of 14 officers and 1 dog there) we made the front page of the shropshire star, so they couldnt just let us go on our way) which was wiped when i reached 18. so doesnt appear on job applications. that and 3 other arrests (none of which i have ever been charged over). so basically i dont have a criminal record, and have never been found guilty of anything. but 1 arrest these days suddenly makes an honest trip to america nigh on impossible (as on the visa waiver it asks if youve ever been arrested)) so a criminal record in the u.s would exclude you from america, unless you where very lucky.

you thought anymore of the ebay selling of extreme sports dvds JT, seems fairly foolproof to me, providing you live close to a store selling them.

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