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Gay Test


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20%, I saw that thing just before you get your results and thought to myself, "OH LOL", then I saw the 'Get Results' button and was like thank "Ahhhh...".

haha yeh thats what i thought when it kept on going up and up

16% gay! who spends more than £100 on a shirt :ermm:

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63% gay

i cant help it if im metrosexual

you wouldnt call me gay would you?(at least not to my face)

channel 4's verdict : "women like you dont they? little do they know your a wolf in sheeps clothing ready to pounce"

and for the record, me and my 3 mates doing a group dance to "reach" by s club 7 on the illuminated dance floor at the top of oceania brsistol are not gay, were just good friends

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20 % " your a walking talking red blooded hetro guy. just way too straight for these times mate" sounds gay to me.

Had another go and got 90% "your a frivous camp queen, your way too gay for this day and age, someday the world will catch up. "

Edited by t-comp-mike
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