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Norwich Christmas Ride 23rd December

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where the hell were you guys riding? i was bmxing all over norwich and didn't see a hint of trials :P

i've found some kick arse spots if you are willing to bike a few miles, lots of shizzle :) but im lazy and just drive to the spots :P

we went to a cinema, got kicked out within about a minute. We went to a place near a bridge. Then we went to morrisions. Went over the bridge. Up a hill. Rode near flats. Old woman on a shop mobility was shouting at us. Went further up the hill. Rode these little post things. Went further up a hill rode a building with walls out side. Went on flat ground :lol: YAY!. Rode a gap near what looked like a shut down BMW garage. Went near this big castle. Got kicked off and the guard explained that a bmxer hurt this old woman. We rode down this really bendy path thing. found this little stage type thing. Carried on into town. Rode through this precinct, annoyed everyone. Got to this place were there was loads of steps. this big brain and a couple of weird statues in the middle. everyone was watching us. Saw ryans girlfriend. Went to this place shaun found snow. They were throwing it at people. Went to this shopping mall place. got kicked off after about 5 mins. Then we split up a bit. Me and someone on a zoo got losed. i spotted a biker. we followed. Stopped at this gap. I went over the bars. Good times. Then went to the loading bays. We messed about there for ages. Shaun smashed this candle that jeasus found on the floor. me and charles got some food. I got skittles and loads of chewing gum. :lol:

Then everyone was a bit fed up. we found the station and went home.

God thats a long one.

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