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Hi all, i resently just found out that i was banned frome trials-forum, my previous name was matt trials. I found out that my little shit of a brother was f**king around on the forum. So i just wanted to say sorry for wat ever happened!. And when did this all happen because i was away for quite some time?


Edited by adamantmatt
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  basher said:
Well to be fair if it was him f**king around then he would just make another account and keep quiet about it so people dont relise he is the same person as the other account.

No im being srious mate me brother told me that he had been f**kin around with the forum and started to piss himself

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You should of started fresh.

You know there is an Log Out button for a reason and if your not going to use it that's your problem. Don't try to make yourself should insistent when 90% of us don't believe you...

I think that you should have just kept quite. Good luck with the new account it's going to take a while before you get some more respect.

Edited by Smoby
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Such blatent lies.

"Oh it was my dog that used my password"

Instead of apologising for it, why did you do it in the first place?

And yes, you should have just got your new name and not told anyone and put some more effort in, like instead of saying "WAT?" you could have actually posted something useful.

For reference, it's "What". Text talk isn't needed online because you have a keyboard.

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  adamantmatt said:
Hi all, i resently just found out that i was banned frome trials-forum, my previous name was matt trials. I found out that my little shit of a brother was f**king around on the forum. So i just wanted to say sorry for wat ever happened!. And when did this all happen because i was away for quite some time?


Atleast think of a better story then that, lol

and why would your brother stay posting on your account for over 2 hours?

haha xD


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