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Hello. Trials Questions Regarding Beggining.


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Hello. I have been surfing these forums for about a week and decided to join today. My name is Jon from Chicago, Illinois, USA, I'm 13 years old, and am interested in starting trials biking. I'm into doing odd/extreme sports like trials unicycling, skiing, scuba diving, parkour, mountain biking, and diaboloing. I have a few questions regarding trials biking. If I'm getting a trials bike, I was wondering if they'd be fine for commuting or just taking it when I go with friends. So, my real question is what is the most affordable trials bike, it doesn't have to be the strongest, that would work as a bike I oculd just ride around and can handle intermediate level trials. Money is a large issue for me and need the cheapest but strongest solution possible. I'm guessing a bike with 26" tires would be most suitable for commuting, along with a seat of low height? Also, I understand trials riding is not easy in any condition, but how long do you believe it would take before I can ride at an intermediate level?

Thanks for your help.


Edited by Unicyclez
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If you're wanting to travel on a trials bike you may have a hard time - the gears tend to be very light so you'll struggle to get above walking pace.

Unless of course you change the gears or build your own bike from scratch. If you can get them in your area, Onza are budget bikes but are good for the cash - I started out on a budget Onza and it was fine.

With regards to time it takes to get good, varies between people - I'm still rubbish after 5 years because I put in no effort and have a multi-purpose bike. Some people are just naturally good after 4 months or whatever. I'd say you're looking at 6 months of good practice to really pick things up, then how you progress from there varies I reckon.

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  koxxtrials said:
yea just have a look on tarty bikes

Any American suppliers? Thanks for the replies guys, so is using a trials bike as a thing to ride around on with friends out of the question? If it is it's probably gonna be a while before I buy a trials bike. Onza and Koxx are familiar brands to me (they also manufacture unicycles) and I was wondering what the cheapest strongest model is in USD (if you know of course). Once again, thanks for your replies, I appreciate them.


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  Unicyclez said:
Any American suppliers? Thanks for the replies guys, so is using a trials bike as a thing to ride around on with friends out of the question? If it is it's probably gonna be a while before I buy a trials bike. Onza and Koxx are familiar brands to me (they also manufacture unicycles) and I was wondering what the cheapest strongest model is in USD (if you know of course). Once again, thanks for your replies, I appreciate them.


Hey Jon, I'm just up north of you in Wisconsin. Check out midwestbiketrials.com also. They are pretty close to you too, and I think just started carrying some completes there as well. Also check out observedtrials.net and check them out too, might find something complete, used and pretty reasonable in the US. If you are looking around for something you can ride around with your buddies, maybe a Planet X Zebdi or Jack Flash perhaps? I know there are a couple completes on OTN for cheap (Brisa anyone?). Just keep an eye out and maybe sometime I'll see you around!


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