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Rich Hill

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last year was up for 3 days doing coursework pretty much solidly other than the odd meal, don't know how i managed to keep awake. It may well have been the thought of spending 2 years doing a levels and not getting any grades keeping me up.

Edit: The most someone has done is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes apparently which is totally nuts

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43 hours roughly, was back in 2005.

Went out riding for a whole day with my mate, after that we set off into the mountains to ride natural (big 4 day ride), traveled at night. Once we got there we rode till the evening, got something to eat and went to a few parties. Got into bed around 5am :P

What kept us going was a 1L mixture of redbull, guarana and VERY strong tea (5 teabags or so). We didn't even finish the drink :P

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I can't even go 1 day without it, i sleep bout 12hr's a day, mopre on the weekend, i really dont know how you can manage that, i stayed awake all night once and slept for almost three days afterward's, it actually makes me ill :sick:

Jesus Christ, 3 days of sleep, that would have sucked if you had a nightmare :P

The most someone has done is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes apparently which is totally nuts

Thats just sick

I usually sleep around 5 hours during schoolweeks, and about 10 in the weekends

Kinda have a sleeping problem, I go to bed at 12 o clock, but when I look at the time just before I fall asleep it's always around 3:30 or higher.

Just can't get stuff on my mind whe I lay in bed and don't have distraction from nasty thoughts:(

In the weekend I just sleep till 3 o clock since I have no job or anything.

Edit: most I've done without sleep is about 35 hours I guess, never really thought about the time I spend awake

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im shit at staying awake. i went to work the day after my birthday once and went to bed at like 5 pm that evening and slept for nearly 20 hours haha. my sleep patterns are sooooo odd. sleeping in the afternoon f**ks me up aswell, makes me feel truely awfull.

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sleeping in the afternoon f**ks me up aswell, makes me feel truely awfull.

Yeh i know how you feel, im going to bed at 2:30am most nights, getting up at 6:45, come home from college and sleep for a couple of hours, then you feel like crap, i could sleep all day everyday if i had the chance!

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Most i've done with actually no sleep is friday from about 11am to sunday at about 2pm. One all night party on friday night then i woulda either rode or just kotched with the lads in the day then another party on sat night but i had a free house so went back there with people and jus sat up all night. Knackering haha.

Mind you reading festival was thursday to monday with about 10mins-3hours sleep each night haha.

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i've done 8 days before but then i'm a fair bit of an insomniac so that kind of helped in the end I drank myself to sleep which worked pretty well.

slept for about 3 days afterwards but it's not worth doing really I just felt like shit was sick a few times and my spots got a fair bit worse.

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I've done 3 days before, when I was about 15 or so I guess. Doesn't affect you so much when you're younger, but if I miss alot of sleep it takes a while for me to recover haha I usually get about 6-7 hours sleep a night, should have 8 apparently and to be honest I do feel much better after having 8. But I have better things to do!

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