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1337 Trials

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Im just wondering. Does anyone actually ride and save cash for car/flat??? Im wanting to get back into riding but I have to buy a few new things but I need to save for a car or flat. Does anyone put like say 50% or so of there earnings back for other things apart from riding???

Ps. Just wondering because I want to ride + save cash.

-Thanks :D

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Nope, most people on here seem to spend all their money on their bike. Which is fine if you ask me.

The thing is, once you have a decent bike, trials is pretty damn cheap. I've spent under £150 in the last year, and that includes a new frame! Basically once you're up and running with a decent bike, you can spend your earnings on the other stuff.

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hehe, oki. I just gota buy a echo bash ring because my bash guard snapped and I think bash ring looks cleaner and tidier and I need a new seal kit for my hope trials cuz I felt off and hit resvoir and by the end off the day there was no fluid left :(

Thanks for the replys-


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I am currently saving as much as possible for a new frame. I try not to spend any money at all, maybe if its something stopping me from riding. i also have a monthly saver with the halifax (really good) Which has to have a tansfer of £15 a month, or I get fined,also you can put money in when ever, but can get to the money until I close the account. So thats going to be my car fund. As for a flat...meh

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16 and saving for a flat.. mental!

Im 16, but have had a savings account made up for me since was born so since i was young etc. I have had cash put in there, so im sorted on the car front really, Im going to use my mums corsa for the first year or so anyway since she hasnt driven it since we got it as she has a company car! So thats effectivly mine :) aloud to put alloys on the lot :)

But personally im not to worried about the flat thing, I would guess i will probably rent a flat to begin with so I will just live at home until im 18 or whatever and have a reasonable and stable income :)

and 10quid a week on bikes is easily enough, i dont understand how people spend so much. I built my whole bike for around the 350mark and id say it isnt badly specd. havnt spent a penny since! although im going to get a new frame. but other than that its fine!

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well i am fortunate enough to be renting a flat riding a brand new pure 07, and driving a run around car, but i still like to spend my money on my bike, at least i have something to show for it, rather than burning 100 odd quid on a night out in oxford, although i still do that quite offen :)

my view mate dont save at 16 unless you are working full time, untill you are there is no point really spend you money on waht you like :)

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Thing is, i have a girl and we are deadly serious. We engaged but not getting married till we 19 or so. She had to move to sterling with her nan cuz only other option was living in the digs down near me but I said its best to go with your nan and we can save for a flat so in a year or so time we can move in. Im in shropshire a moment and shes in Sterling, scotland :

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Thing is, i have a girl and we are deadly serious. We engaged but not getting married till we 19 or so. She had to move to sterling with her nan cuz only other option was living in the digs down near me but I said its best to go with your nan and we can save for a flat so in a year or so time we can move in. Im in shropshire a moment and shes in Sterling, scotland :

:( Thats fairly shit.

I dont have time to save up, as soon as i get money its spent :|


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:( Thats fairly shit.

I dont have time to save up, as soon as i get money its spent :|


Yup but we love each other so much we promised we would wait :) I will be seeing her quite abit though as she has some family round near me so her Nan will be renting holiday cottages etc :):) Wont be to bad. In a way it will do us good as people at a young age get bored of each other but it be a few years before we live together anyway :D

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As an old buffer that likes to lecture the young un's at every opportunity, if your not putting your savings in a high interest account, you are probably loosing money on them.

A lot of current accounts pay very little interest, with inflation at around 2-4% depending on who you ask you need to be earning at least 4% interest for your money to hold its value - i.e. inflation means that something that costs 100 quid today will cost 104 quid next year - if your money didn't earn any interest you need to find another 4 quid to buy the same thing. On a deposit for a flat of 20,000 thats 800 quid you will need to find, if it takes you five years to save 20,000, that 4,000 pounds (800 per year) you will need to find - thats without even taking into account any rises in house prices.

Luckily banks have recently changed thier focus from trying to loan you more money to now competing for your savings.

This account - "http://www.alliance-leicester.co.uk/savings/index.asp?page=prem-regular-saver&exp=30&cm_mmc=moneysupe-_-sup-_-ec20416000190020premregsaver-_-bestbuys" pays 12% interest - thats way ahead of inflation. Its only an introductory offer for the first year, but look out for more introductory offers like this and keep moving your money around to get the best rates, if you have more money than the introductory offer will let you deposit open a few similar high interest accounts with different banks.

We all work hard for our money, so to let inflation eat away at its value is madness - actually the bank invests it but keeps the profits because most people are too lazy to move thier money into high interest accounts - some of the interest paid on the 12% account is probably the banks profit from investing peoples money held in oridinary low interest current accounts - don't be a mug and let your money be used to finance other peoples profits.

Lecture over - and I know that you could argue with the maths, but the long and the short of it is inflation = bad, 12% interest = amazing! money for nothing! 120 quid on every 1000 invested!


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Meh i used to have loads of savings... now i have like nothing lol. All gone on Booze.. nights out... partying e.t.c. like said above once you have a pretty high specced bikes its pretty inexpensive to run if you do all work your self... build your own wheels, sort your own brakes etc. i mean ive been riding so long ive got enough stuff in my garage to fix most day to day problems with my bike easily. Like 2 crossovers, rear hose, brakes, 1 hope, 1 mint protech, BB7 just stuff lying about ready to use :P

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