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I Would Like To Be A Member


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My name is Dávid Nagy. I am 19 year old. I live in Miskolc, Hungary.

I have got two Zoo! bikes. (20",26")

I have been riding for about 5 years. I have got good results on hungarian trial competitions.

In Miskolc there are about 10 active trial riders. We like to take a photo and to film and we would like to share these with you.

sry my english :)

Cheers, Dave

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Hello, well you surely dont need and introduction to the sport but welcome to the forum.

It sounds like you have alot to tell people too.

Il look forward to seeing the pictures and videos :)


Edited by t-comp-mike
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Welcome to the forum here in the uk (united kingdom), im sure it wont be long before you are validated onto the main forum. just keep your posts simple, dont post any harsh bad language, and clear concise english is key. So far your doing just fine.

Edited by Rusevelt
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Welcome mate :)

Your English is better than most English people on here!

My edit: Your English is better than most of the English people on here.

You my friend are a self fulfilling prophecy.

yoo welcome to the old forum :) make sure you follow the guidelines.

wack a pic of your bikes up? :P

If he was to follow guidelines this topic is against them. • Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated................................SOZ LAWNMOWERMAN

Edited by scousertrials
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You'r taking that statement the wrong way. He means a member of TF not a validated member. Tisk Tisk

Anyway, Hey man. Lush bikes love the python.... I have on :shifty:

Chisholm have a read again. I'm very sure it's you who is taking the statement the wrong way. :lol:

Member is also a polite way of saying cock. So by saying, "I would like to be a member" he could also be saying, "I would like to be a cock".

You my friend are a self fulfilling prophecy.

Words fail me.

Edited by Gavyn L
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