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Echo all the way!

I have got a 2007 Echo Lite, its the short one and I love it, best bike I've rode.

Feels really nice and easy to flick about and sidehops feel lush. Coming off a 26" bike I would guess it will feel like a breath of fresh air to you and probably alot easier to ride in my opinion.

Possibly go for the longer option as has been suggested though.


Edited by mrlynch
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hiya, i agree with getting a long frame but someone once warned me not to get a koxx. Apparently the frames snap after about 6 months.

My t-comps never given me any trouble though. Nice looking and reasonably cheap. hope this helps

why not a koxx? is the Uci world champion bike man!

1.Benito Ross - Koxx . SPAIN

2.Dani Comas - Monty . SPAIN

3. Carles Diaz - Koxx . SPAIN

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hiya, i agree with getting a long frame but someone once warned me not to get a koxx. Apparently the frames snap after about 6 months.

My t-comps never given me any trouble though. Nice looking and reasonably cheap. hope this helps

My god you must be a remedial. 'Apparently?'

Apparently if you ride a Python you can sidehop over the moon. Doesn't mean it's true though does it. Snap after 6 months? Does it have a countdown timer, that when 6 months has reached it just automatically snaps?

I lose hope with NMC.

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I ride a adamant A1, I love it. But remember a frame is only one part of the bike so other components are vital to think about too, if youre building it up, at the end of the day you need to get out and ride some mods to see what you like, because everone will tell you the frame they ride is the best. Nothing wrong with koxx in my oppinion you just have to be a good rider to have one because 1, they look wank when some newbie is riding a £1500 bike and 2, they're not designed to take mega hits and knocks like most beginers usualy give bikes.

have fun riding mod is awesome :D

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  • 4 months later...
hi all i want to get a 20"mod can you tell me a good make to get i am rideing a 26" at the mo so i want to go to 20"



My opinion is to get a gu st my friend has one and it is lush, stays nice on the back wheel and feels real nice but thats just my opinion or a dob one of the best bikes ever for natty im a big natty fan and its going to be one of my options because it is so short and one of the lightes frames you can get. :)

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It depends if you was going to go to Mod permanly beacause if you were I would get a more expensive but better quality bike.

But if you were only getting one to think about why dont you try a cheaper 20" bike.

My advice would be to try your friends Mods and see if you like them, This would probly save you alot of money in the future.

Hope this helps.

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If i was you i would get a long mod, as you are coming from a 26" it will feel better than a short.

I currently have a koxx XTP 2 thats lovely everyone who has ridden it loves it.

But some people dont like the feel of Koxx's, and if this is you i would get one of these:

Zoo Python: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=382

Adamant A3: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10037

Monty 221ti/kamel (depending on your price limits) http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10282

Or a Echo lite: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10115

Edited by gideon
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