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Most Effective Ways Of Keeping Trick Or Treaters At Bay


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Slightly on the same subject: What the hell is all this 'Penny for the Guy' thing? It seems like it's just an excuse for little scrotes to beg for money as well as chocolate when they trick or treat. There were some scallies with a guy sat on the steps outside my flat getting in my way... I just couldn't work out why they thought I should give them money?!

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Slightly on the same subject: What the hell is all this 'Penny for the Guy' thing? It seems like it's just an excuse for little scrotes to beg for money as well as chocolate when they trick or treat. There were some scallies with a guy sat on the steps outside my flat getting in my way... I just couldn't work out why they thought I should give them money?!

old tradition, kids made guys, sold them. buyers then chucked em on a fire.

atleast what mum just said lol.

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Thank God I live in the middle of no where. This halloween, like most, rumors going around about my mates having a massive fight because some chavvy girl said they wouldn't get her fags.

To be fair though, most effective way to get them to not approach your house is to set Claymore and anti-personnel mines. But as I'm guessing the majority of people won't have easy access to that just get a fair sized sign and spray 'nonce party' on it and post it outside.

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Just answer it and stop being a Scrooge :P



That better be concentrated hydrochloric acid coming out of them water pistols.

Erm, think i'll stick with my potato gun and potato them good. Or POWERFUL bb potato gun, or even better, a cluster of bbs in the barrel with tissue behind it so it's like wadding, that will f**king own all, f**k yeah, i'm doing that.

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