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Sidehop Help!


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Right dont tell me to go back to NMC :P this is a genuine issue for me!

Im not an amazing rider by any means, but im not apauling. If i really push it i can gap over 6 feet and can occasionally get to what im guessing is around 6.5ish (i dont measure i just got a 6foot tall friend to lay down in the gap) and i can back wheel, all that shizzle.

BUT! :$ I cannot sidehop for anything. I have been out of riding for ages and never really did it to seriously before. But now im into it pretty seriously so i want to sort it out! Now i always thought that side hops were just kind of crank hops but side ways, and it seems the person i meainly ride with does that and he also lands front wheel and sort of pivots the back round. This works well enough for him. But i have been watching videos to try and get the hang of it, and i noticed that although there is a kick of the pedals its not the same as a crank hop atall, it seems like it almost is just put in as the rider "jumps upwards" and simply helps to keep the front wheel up?

I dunno thats how iv been thinking it looks. But seriously all help is much apreciated as i think this is quite a big thing holding me back at the moment really.


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Yeah its funny stuff, I'll let somebody else explain :-

But people do the funny pivoty thing, because its a good way to learn. When your pretty much reached your maximum height and just cant do it like that anymore - both wheels are brought up at the same time (when really maxing it).

Hope this helps.

Edit: spelling!!!!!11

Edited by Quackers
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