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Read the guidelines -Selling Parts!


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So ? if i waited 2 months ?

And then said im selling my bike for 1.2k brand new?

and i was a scammer ? what diff dose it make :S ? if im a non-member or member or not :S ?

you just think im a decent trader because im a member :S ?

it means nothing.

oh my god !. Does nothing enter your head :blink: . RULES ARE RULES. I don't care if you wair 6 years and don't get validated and try and sell your bike. You are not allowed. I don't care if your bike if worth 1.2k. It doesn't mean you ain't going to scam us. Guys. Please for your own good. The rules are there. Obey them or your time on Trials-Forum won't be pleasant.


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So ? if i waited 2 months ?

And then said im selling my bike for 1.2k brand new?

and i was a scammer ? what diff dose it make :S ? if im a non-member or member or not :S ?

you just think im a decent trader because im a member :S ?

it means nothing.

Good old danny beat me to it ^^^^^^^^^^^

Edited by adamgriffin3
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So ? if i waited 2 months ?

And then said im selling my bike for 1.2k brand new?

and i was a scammer ? what diff dose it make :S ? if im a non-member or member or not :S ?

you just think im a decent trader because im a member :S ?

it means nothing.

When you are moved from new members it kinda means the admins have seen how you behave, and kind have trust in you.

Plus the rules are there there not going to change for one A+ (lmao) person ?

Edited by benleacock
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It dont mean any thing mate :S ?

Its like world of warcraft :S i could be in a guild for a month and then ask to use like 200g and then leave the guild :S they thought i was trusted :S when infact i wasnt :S

so to be honest i dont get the point of the who valadition shizzle ma nizzle crud :S

Really its just pointless.

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It dont mean any thing mate :S ?

Its like world of warcraft :S i could be in a guild for a month and then ask to use like 200g and then leave the guild :S they thought i was trusted :S when infact i wasnt :S

so to be honest i dont get the point of the who valadition shizzle ma nizzle crud :S

Really its just pointless.

What the f**k :blink: . World of warcraft is a F'ing game. This is life. Dealing with real people and real money.

Oh my god dude. Can you not obey some simple forum guidelines ?

I mean come on. How hard is it ?

The Validation system isn't just for selling either. Spelling and punctuation its there for, spam bots, etc.

Read the guidelines and all this is explained.

I really don't see what you can't understand :S


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wow, he thinks he is blareee hard :S ?


Scary man ...

Trials a badname ?

Funny because i bet you ride places were your not ment to :)

That gives trials a bad name.

More shit comes out your fingers and on to a keyboard than comes out your arse.

You don't know me or Squince so until you give your opinion on a hardman...Leave it out.

We all ride places were not meant to. Street trials is illegal.

You give Trials a bad name by running your mouth on a TRIALS forum.


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More shit comes out your fingers and on to a keyboard than comes out your arse.

You don't know me or Squince so until you give your opinion on a hardman...Leave it out.

We all ride places were not meant to. Street trials is illegal.

You give Trials a bad name by running your mouth on a TRIALS forum.


You sound like a idiot mate lol, ummmmmmmmmmm you sed a swear word thats not aloud!

Edited by Matttrials
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Am i ment to be scared now ?.. :/ ?

Really ?

Really ?

I havn't threatened you in anyway, shape or form so why should you be scared ?

You really have a bad attitude on this forum.

I don't want you to be scared of me nor anybody on this forum.

I just want you to obey some simple forum guidelines and get along with everyone on this forum.


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Shut up mate, you was alrite uptil now! WTF!

oi, essex lads, you wont win this arguement, dannys been on this forum long enough to gain some respect, my advice is you stop replying, read the rules and carry on trying to get validated. yes i know the validation system is shit and isnt working very well and alot of sound people are stuck in NMC but just give it some time and you will get validated eventually, then you will be able to sell/swap/buy items through the forum.

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