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Do You Ride With A Full Face Helmet If So Why?

Sam F

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Also, I'm willing to bet Bongo's accident was bmx related. Very few people hit their mouths in a trials crash and even less knock teeth out. Seriosuly, it's not an issue unless you have a habit of putting your mouth in front of the rest of your body when you fall.

Yup. in te 5 years i rode trials i NEVER banged my head or face. In the 4 years of bmx i've knocked teeth out 3 times (except the second 2 times i already had none and so just wrecked my lips and fangs lol. Been knocked out plenty of times and broken my nose and jaw.

Trials just doesn't seem to have the same facial dangers!! But you should defo still wear a lid.

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All you have to ask yourself is in the hundreds of trials video's you've seen, does anyone else wear them? No.

Also, why are you worried about your mouth? There's plenty of injuries you can do with most sports! If you're that worried sit in a padded room :)

And when they fall off and wreck themselfs then they will wear a lid.. or maybe they wont be able to ride again.

to be honest i know you lot don't wanna wear 1 but when i mean fullface i mean somthing like this. I do wanna keep my teeth to be honest since i've already gone through loads of pain of having teeth pulled out and stuff to have my clearstep brace fitted.


Edited by Sam_Fenech
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Er, sounds like your pretty made up about this discussion? Just buy one? You're sure as hell not going to convince anyone here to wear one, its major overkill, its like a F1 car being made of steel, a full roll cage and polystyrene everywhere just incase he crashes...

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right dont get me wrong here, i do actually have some sense.

when i ride downhill, its always a full face and shins, if i think i need it then the body goes on too.

for xc its shins and an open style lid, for freeride its either the bmx style 'p pot' lid or the fullface (get a decent one and your not restricted, have it fitted/padded properly and it wont move)

but for street and soon to be trials, i do not, and will not, wear a lid... i hate the buggars quite some... untill i do some damage i dont plan to

riding through durham city/newcastle/middlebrough or even redcar...

you just look and feel like a complete pratt. but this isnt my idiocy i reckon i concentrate better without the lid for jumping about, the things are just offputting.

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Seriously man, don't be a penis and get one. After a few weeks you'll be like, 'godammit sami boy, why didn't I listen to the experienced riders like Simon and them telling me NOT to buy this helmet that makes me look like a bellend.'

Edited by Joe Rothwell
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When i take the gsxr out on the road i wear a full face helmet... when i ride motorcycle trials i wear an open face helmet. Not in a million years would i wear a full face for moto or cycle trials. It feels restricted, vision is not so good, heat build up is greater and of course you will look a right tit...!!!

I have a complete bottom set of false teeth... caused by being hit by a pulley off an agricultural machine i was working on. I did have implants, they were crap and kept coming loose.

If you don't like a bit of risk take up something else.... but watch out, knitting needles can get you as well!!!

Edited by r2wtrials
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I've hit my face twice this year once on concrete, once on mud. After that, wearing a fullface lid did cross my mind but I don't think I could stand the extra weight.

Even when I hit the concrete wall I didn't do any damage except a graze on my chin. I was glad to be wearing a helmet though as I sort of went head first onto the wall - felt a bit dizzy after.

I think it's really up to you and If you do more BMX style riding (eg. bunny hopping at speed down two sets of stairs) it could be a good idea to wear a full face lid. I've seen some videos of BMX accidents where a full face lid would have saved a lot of pain.

For trials though, I think it's not really worth the loss of mobility.


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