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To Buy Or Not To Buy

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I woul'dnt advise it, it can be welded but a cracked frame will never be as good as normal one, and from what i've heard often it need's to be heattreated afterwards, i personally woul'dnt buy a cracked frame but once again it's you're decision.

By the way admin dont take too kindly to peopl making loads of topics, just a tip

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hi you mate. Ive got a cracked level boss that i rode hard for years and it never broke. but if you are thinking of getting it repaired. get it done by a professional while its just airline to save the material stretching, otherwise it just wont feel right afterwords. personally. if its a bargain, buy it and ride it as it is. id quite happily ride my level boss tomorrow and not think twice about a 5foot gap or 6foot drop etc. (email me for disclaimer.lol)

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A friend of mine bought a kenny belaey frame which had a crack on the downtube, he got it re-welded but it did crack again after a few months riding. My advice would be, if you can find a cracked frame cheap enough then go for it. It isn't worth shelling out a lot of money for a cracked frame.

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fresh products

to be honest, a crack around the bottom bracket isn't going to be that safe. theres a lot of weight that is always there.

if you got it re-welded and heat treated again, i would have thought it would be fine for a couple of months, but keep checking it and around that area for more cracks

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