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I did think about it, i was pretty sober regardless of how the original comment made me come across.

if we're being pedantic you could just as easily cause a crash on a push bike pissed and im pretty sure theres been people on here doing that ...

i needed to move the bike as it had out stayed its welcome at my mates.

wont happen again

I was driving a scooter you f**king idiots not a f**king hgv

Shut. Up. You. Pr!ck.

i got hit by a drink driver. I'm very lucky to be here. You're an absolute disrespectful fanny to even think you can start to convince people that what you did wasn't an inconsiderate piece of shit action. Be sensible and f**k off.

edit: sorry bout the before 2am thing, but it doesnt matter at this time.

Edited by Pocket Rocket
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I do, yeah just putting my point across poorlt.

Im not justifying the fact i drove a small scooter home at 5 in the morning a bit pissed on empty roads.

But i dont regret it with the circumstances at the time.

the original post makes me sound like a twat thats why i rarely post in here when i get back from town, and the fact i have a life and would rather sleep

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just drove home on my scooter hwcih is oretty bodged, drsnk 16 cans and beenin a 10 ft pool we bought earlier best fun iv e had i weeks

I do, yeah just putting my point across poorlt.

Im not justifying the fact i drove a small scooter home at 5 in the morning a bit pissed on empty roads.

A bit pissed 16 cans and writing like a 5 year old ?

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Shut. Up. You. Pr!ck.

i got hit by a drink driver. I'm very lucky to be here. You're an absolute disrespectful fanny to even think you can start to convince people that what you did wasn't an inconsiderate piece of shit action. Be sensible and f**k off.

edit: sorry bout the before 2am thing, but it doesnt matter at this time.

Im not trying to convice anyone anything you moron

were you hit by a vespa?

To be honest a lot of you would ring the police at the sight of a dropped lolly stick.

Were you not disqualified for drink driving yourself?

A bit pissed 16 cans and writing like a 5 year old ?

over 12 hours? not really and typing was more due to lack of effort

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For the want of shutting you up about it 'only being a scooter' or whatever, I've seen a guy hit by a vespa who thought it clever to mount the kerb to park up, must have been about 10mph max, but because of the way he was hit, his leg was twisted and knee completely f**ked beyond repair so he now has a crutch for the rest of his life (which will no doubt become a chair with age)

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Cool, that makes it okay!!

Not sorry for my intentions and I'll do what I f**king please...


For the want of shutting you up about it 'only being a scooter' or whatever, I've seen a guy hit by a vespa who thought it clever to mount the kerb to park up, must have been about 10mph max, but because of the way he was hit, his leg was twisted and knee completely f**ked beyond repair so he now has a crutch for the rest of his life (which will no doubt become a chair with age)

in fairness thats kinda proving my point, id be injuring myself worst case scenario no one else

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Ah, I've just applied for a job at my local Dominos as a delivery driver :D Whats the pay like? And the hours? I could only imagine it being a few hours a night?

Get about £7 an hour plus tips and free pizza. Work on average 35-40 hours a week and can make about an extra £30 a week in tips.

Good fun and is a piece of piss too.

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He was making a pretty good point. Did you actually read Luke's post? Luke's post where it specifically mentions 2 people, which you then quoted and seemed to think it only mentioned one person judging from your "I'm only hurting myself" phrase? Similarly, if you bin it when you're pissed and f**k yourself up, the emergency services have to divert attention to picking you up and sorting yourself out, your family then has to deal with you while you're f**ked up (depending on the severity), etc. It's not like if you get hurt it only affects you.

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f**k off mate your 16, stop joining in for the sake of it

So, what, I have to be 19 before I'm allowed an opinion? :rolleyes: Age doesn't really come into an argument about whether what you did was a stupid thing to do or not. Fact of the matter is that it's illegal due to the very good reason of it beign extremely dangerous. And don't try and argue "Ah. It was 5 o'clock, nobody was out." Were you the only person awake in England at 5 o'clock? I highly doubt it. And I also highly doubt if you are psychic enough to tell if you will meet any other road users or pedestrians on your journey home.

You are f**king lucky you didn't crash into anybody otherwise you could have seriously f**ked up your life, or even worse, somebody else's.

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