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The Late Night Thread.


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Went to the union, turns out my mate is barred indefinately. Got in Taxi, went to club in town with rest of crowd.

Got drunk, walked home, sobered up, went to mates flat for a bit, walked back to mine. Had a good night. :)

How did he manage that?

Just watched Se7en for the first time. Really enjoyed it.

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How did he manage that?

Just watched Se7en for the first time. Really enjoyed it.

Apparently last wednesday he got pretty drunk which he admits, and called a bouncer a willy. Which is fair enough for him to be kicked, because he is the guy who gets into a state and his temper is short.

Today, when we tried to get in. We got past the bouncers and just before we payed, we got called back and chief of security staff came out. Said that upon leaving he had punched the head of Sec. Staff in the chest before storming off. This would have been in full view of the 5 security cameras outside of the union. So my friend claims he didn't do it, and to be fair, he's not that short tempered or violent, didn't cause a fuss this evening, so we went to town. Not much of a big deal, but more effort than we needed really. Got to book an appeal, probably with a police review of the security tapes and stuff.

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Hardly late but im sure it will soon turn to that point. Was told 3 weeks ago i needed to get my literature review finished by week 1 of semester 1 (this monday coming). Which all seemed OK... apart from the 2 weeks of exams and being completely knackered from them leaving me with 4 days to get 30 pages done.. not such a hard task when you know what you are doing.. my problem? i dont know what im doing. On page 22 now however.. you smell that? yeap thats the bullshit smell coming from my dissertation.. cos theres plenty of it in there.

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why arethere still 26 members on at 3??

ent prople gt skl or work 2 go to in the morning?

Holy f**k.




Cruise Birds


Illegal racing ( find me on the streets after 11pm weekends )

Dey c mi rollin', dey hatin'...

Edited by Haz
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