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The Late Night Thread.


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Sixth sense was released exactly a week before fight club, I can't help but think a film of that calibre would have taken longer than a week to make/Copy.

Fight club>Sixth sense.

Edit: That makes no sense, does it? If they were going to copy it i suppose they could have done it whilst it was in production :ermm:

Doubt that was the intention but you feel free to think it..

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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Greetings , fellow nocturnal humans ! Might as well start posting here regularly since I'm working night shifts . Hotel concierge during the quiet season means lots of time browsing forums and free food , plus it leaves my days free for riding & generally hanging around my appartment . Life's lookin'good !


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  Endohopper said:
Greetings , fellow nocturnal humans ! Might as well start posting here regularly since I'm working night shifts . Hotel concierge during the quiet season means lots of time browsing forums and free food , plus it leaves my days free for riding & generally hanging around my appartment . Life's lookin'good !


I'd love to work nights :( Would be ideal, I'm sat here for 12 hours just wasting away talking shit and destroying my ear drums and then in the i spen the best part of the day in bed and shit :P

Sucks not being 18 :(

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  Adam-Griffin said:
I'd love to work nights ...

...Sucks not being 18 :(

No dude , enjoy unproductive hedonism while you still can . However laidback , a job still requires you to voluntarily surrender your freedom for 8 hours at a time . Fortunately , I'm the only member of staff present and can do as I damned well please untill / unless guests arrive .

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  Hannah Shucksmith said:
Sure sounded it to me :P

Thought you knew me better than that, I always talk shit.


No dude , enjoy unproductive hedonism while you still can . However laidback , a job still requires you to voluntarily surrender your freedom for 8 hours at a time . Fortunately , I'm the only member of staff present and can do as I damned well please untill / unless guests arriv.

Yeah suppose so, Working night shift would be preferable to Day shift though really haha.

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