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The Late Night Thread.


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Fecking babysitting; Mum and Dad went out and said 'Only be half an hour, don't want to go but i've got to show my face really' That, was at 8.

I'm sat here with a bad neck, epic toothache and a bearded dragon that won't leave me alone digging his claws into my chest whilst i watch Episodes of Ufc i've seen 1000'sof times before.

Good times.

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I dont get to sleep till around 5 most night for some reason. Even when i have to get up for college etc. Still cant sleep till 5. Its weird.

Go to sleep much earlier, like before midnight. Not only should you find it easier to fall asleep after a few nights but you'll also sleep better, wake up early and have a full day ahead of you.

I used to fall asleep at 4-5am because I didn't feel tired, I'd sleep till 12 or 1pm, more often than not have a bad night and wake up tired. After a few days of forcing myself to go to bed no later than 1am, suddenly I had no problems with falling asleep and having a good night.

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