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480 Cans Of Lager For £2:40

boon racoon

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ONCE THE MONEY GOES THROUGH your account, they LEGALLY have to give it to you for this price

No they don't. Legally they're covered against genuine pricing mistakes. Retailers are wise to this now. That's not to say they won't honour your purchase, but in most cases they just return the money to your account with an apology. You could try and contest it, but you wouldn't have a leg to stand on...

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[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> I have spoke to the Asda head office in Leeds this morning and they have confirmed that they will not be honouring the price of 10p for crates of Heineken.


[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> The price online was an inputting error and should have read £10.00. Asda are also well within their rights to charge any customer the full price due to a sneaky line in the terms of your email receipt. This reads:

[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> "The total is an estimate based on the prices we are charging in store today. You will be charged the price in store on the day of delivery and advised of the final price at the time of delivery to you".


[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> If you would like to confirm this yourself, the number for the head office switchboard is 0113 243 5435.

[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> Best of luck!

[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> cock bags

[09:54] <[DDK]JeZz> :/

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They can't charge you full price without authorisation. Otherwise it would be like deception. Tell you they're cheap, but take the full amount of money.

That's what I was trying to say...

I know most people will have cancelled but it would be pretty funny if for one day people honored these orders. ASDA would have to get in a huge delivery of heineken crates and go round trying to deliver them all day haha.

Surely people would be perfectly within their rights to turn round and say they wanted a refund on their goods now they're full price, and they'd have to drive them all back to ASDA and be stuck with a load of excess stock?

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They can't charge you full price without authorisation. Otherwise it would be like deception. Tell you they're cheap, but take the full amount of money.

yes but just before you pay they'll say "£10.00 please" and thats when you can choose to agree to the price, haggle, or refuse. If you accept, you're allowing them to take the value they just said, out of you account

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Dear ASDA customer,

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> Due to a pricing error on the ASDA.com website, for a short period of time, we displayed a

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> 20 x 330ml pack of Heineken at an incorrect price of 10p instead of £10. This was a genuine mistake and the result of a human error.

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> As a result we have taken the following action:

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> We immediately removed the product from our website and will not be able to fulfil these orders for this product. We have therefore had no alternative but to cancel your order in it's entirety. If you still require other items from your order we would ask you to go to ASDA.com and rebook your delivery.

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this error.

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> Regards,

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> ASDA.com

[17:52] <JeZz|Away> GAYS

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haha they're sending out emails now to cover themselves..if you ordered you should get one soon.

it's a personal written email saying they cocked up and the order's cancelled.

still, gives the ASDA staff something to do late on a thursday evening! :D

Got mine through last night. Bastards!

Well, no almost free beer at any rate.

Me and my dad worked out, a pint in the pub near college, (which serves me because the barman is a legend), is £2.80.

The bottles of stella we buy from the super market work out at about 50p a bottle. A bottle is roughley half a pint. that works out at £1 a pint.

Is the extra £1.80 worth the pub? I say yes, my Dad say no.


Beer out of a tap is soo much better then beer out of a bottle. Next time you go into your pub, take a bottle (or buy it if they sell it) and get one out of the tap too.

You will taste the difference. I can pretty much tolerate Fosters and Carlsberg out of a tap but in cans or bottles I f**king hate the stuff.

Anyway RED STRIPE ***!

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