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First Tattoo (half Sleeve!)


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I'm gonna be coming into some money soon, and I've been thinking long and hard, and I'd really like to get a half sleeve. I've seen some pretty sweet tattoos on here, and I know AndyT has some shit hot ones aswell, but getting advice on OTN is a hit-or-miss affair.

What I'd like incorporated into the design (which I will be asking Drew Speziale of Circle Takes the Square to design for me, because his artwork has always blown me away) is DIY music mainly, the only thing that has meant enough to me for the last 5 or so years to have emblazoned on my arm. Photography too, perhaps a great quote by one of my favourite photographers, which I'm yet to find, and a little something to do with David Lynch. I still can't think how DIY could be represented in a tattoo, but it'll come to me (or if anyone here knows much about the DIY community etc. help a brother out!)

I'm from Chorley, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone from this hell hole at my arm with a needle. So I'm gonna go somewhere in Manchester or Liverpool. Does anyone know of any good/simultaneously cheap artists in those areas? This things gonna be on me forever, so I want it to be the best quality, and if you look at the work of the artist whos gonna be designing it for me, it doesnt look too easy to draw.

How much will I be looking at spending on this? I know it'll depend how detailed the piece is, how big it is, the artist etc, but just a rough guess? I want a half sleeve, top half, and to go onto me shoulder/chest/back a tiny bit. A bit of colour too.

Any help would be totally awesome (Y)

Edited by Billy
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Cost really depends on how much detail and how long it takes, unfortunately cheap rarely means good.

Expect to pay upwards of £50 an hour at least, your probably looking at upwards of £600 for the half sleeve, depending on how much detail/how fast your tattooist is/how big your arms are.

Try and find portfolio's of all the artists in Manchester and Liverpool and take a while to see not only who does the most impressive work but who can do what you want well, for example there's a great japanese work guy in Colchester, but he's shit at portraits.

Also Circle Takes The Square rock the house.

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Cost really depends on how much detail and how long it takes, unfortunately cheap rarely means good.

Expect to pay upwards of £50 an hour at least, your probably looking at upwards of £600 for the half sleeve, depending on how much detail/how fast your tattooist is/how big your arms are.

Try and find portfolio's of all the artists in Manchester and Liverpool and take a while to see not only who does the most impressive work but who can do what you want well, for example there's a great japanese work guy in Colchester, but he's shit at portraits.

Also Circle Takes The Square rock the house.

Yes, Drew is amazing. I saw them twice on their UK tour with The Murder Of. Best week EVAR. One of them was in the middle of someones garden on this enormous, beautiful old farm on Worscester (sp?)

£600 is a lot o' brass, I'm gonna have to do this over a long-ish time I reckon. I hear that Studio 81 in Preston has amazing artists.

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Yeah, Rome wasn't built in a day, I've been working on my full sleeve since last March time, hoping to get it done by February.

2 month waiting lists for artists ftl :(

The Circus, as soon as the new CTTS album gets leaked, I'll let you know ;)

Boooo! I'm totally waiting for an amazing double gatefold coloured vinyl masterpiece by Drew!

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Try phils of fleetwood mate. He's been around for about 30 years and has done most of my mates ones and they're all amazing.

This is my mate Neil.

Thats pretty smart!

I might have to go hang round at f**king URBIS or something, make friends with some shitty scene kids. They always have good tattoos.

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You want to get an idea for a tattoo of a scene kid? Wouldn't it better to come up with something you want? Not having a dig, my mate just got some tribal stuff done on his back, I bet in a year he won't like it.

Btw, how old are you?

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He's 18...

I think a simple way to put this is that I'm sure we all did things at 18 that, now, reaching 20 years old...we all regret. I think having a tattoo would be high ranking in that.

But hey, its up to you, don't let a load of people on a forum put you off...but use logic, its something for life; so make it something thats not going to change over time. You say you're into music...we all are...music taste is always changing...

Ah well, whatever you get, it cant be as bad as my mates; his missus name...after a total of 3 months of going out...tit.

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screw what anyone says about regreting getting it done

i got my KMC round my arm on my 18th when i was really into riding, now 2 years on i ride my bike to the shop once a month if that and am much more into cars, but still love my tatt.

whatever you get go for it and good luck (Y)

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You want to get an idea for a tattoo of a scene kid? Wouldn't it better to come up with something you want? Not having a dig, my mate just got some tribal stuff done on his back, I bet in a year he won't like it.

Btw, how old are you?

Oooh no no no, I think I worded that wrong. I meant that they'd know some good tattoo artists, like f**k I want a tattoo like any of them! Haha, sorry about that.

Yeah, I'm 18. I'm not getting any band tattoos as such, but I want it to represent DIY music in general. I just don't know how. Like I've said, its the only thing that means enough to me to get tattooed, and DIY provided me with the most incredible 5 or 6 years of my life, and those will never be taken away from me. As long as I have that in my tattoo, I can't imagine I'm going to regret it. At least not for a long, long, long time.

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