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Hope And Chris King Hubs

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  max-t said:
Just Keep the Hope.

yea I agree with him, my mate (Johny) use the Hope pro 2, and he says its well smoother to clena and ride, than the King cause you first buy a king you have to clean out the thick lube and put in thiner stuff, and he says the pro 2 doesnt hardly skippy as much as the King, and that the Kings body of hub is to soft a metal, cause he surly sprocket cut in to the king hub.


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  MikeyTrials said:
yea I agree with him, my mate (Johny) use the Hope pro 2, and he says its well smoother to clena and ride, than the King cause you first buy a king you have to clean out the thick lube and put in thiner stuff, and he says the pro 2 doesnt hardly skippy as much as the King, and that the Kings body of hub is to soft a metal, cause he surly sprocket cut in to the king hub.


you can get steel driveshells with the heavy duty kings witch wont allow cogs to dig in , ther around 200 from ASPIRE , have had trouble wi pro2"s skippin, if youv got the cash get a king in my opinion

Edited by padarik
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In my opinion there is quite a big difference, the pro 2 feels clunky and non responsive in comparison. I quite like the ride of a king as it feels really tight. If maintained properly they should rarely/never skip. If you can afford to spash out get the king, best bet is to find a second hand well maintained one. Depends how "stabby" you are on the pedals when riding. I should imagine the hope is probably stronger but wouldn't know for sure.

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Thanks for the thread, I'm going to buy a new hub and I was thinking about Hope Pro 2 or Chris King.

I've also talked with my friend who knows this stuff and he said that the Hope will do fine but there is something special with the CK hub and they are a little better but the difference in the price is much bigger then the difference in quality.

So if you already have a Hope Pro 2 and it's working good then I wouldn't change it if youre not a "gadget faggot "(as we call it in sweden) :P and must have the CK name on it.

I've considered to order a Hope Pro 2 with CK sprockets after looking into this. And I think they will feel about the same compared to my cheep crappy shimano hub.

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  Dan6061 said:
Never seen a King skip then?

They just do a full rotation before they engage again, deadly stuff.

If your Pro II's fine, then just keep it? It's an awesome hub!

am runin a king now , have seen them slip before , but would still run them over any of the hubs i have ran before

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  Dan6061 said:
Never seen a King skip then?

They just do a full rotation before they engage again, deadly stuff.

If your Pro II's fine, then just keep it? It's an awesome hub!

Thats funny, when mines skipped its been tiny and when i hardly push...

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  matt rushton said:
Something will be broke inside then, a spring proberly, try taking it apart and have a look.

Matt Rushton

:huh: dont have it anymore, all springs were fine in it , thin lube in it , have threaded a few hub shells dont fancy it happening again

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I have a king and a pro 2 pro 2 skipped a few times when new, its now solid. The king on the other hand goes wobbly and needs tightening on 1 out of every 3 rides or else it skips. keep it simple go with the hope, buy some ti bolts for it and some other nice bits for your bike with the cash you save!

Edited by jambo
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  ash-kennard said:
hopes dont need half the maintenance a king reqiuires

I don't get why people say that. I've hard Chris Kings for over 4 years on my trials bike, and I've never once done any maintenance. Whereas I ran a Hope XC for a year and needed a few new bits for it (spring, pawls etc).

Fair enough, Hopes are pretty good. Solid hubs for sure. But Chris King do feel like a higher quality item. Considering a Pro II is about £130 and you can get Kings off Aspire for £180, the difference in price isn't too bad.

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