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Rich Pearson

Rich Pearson

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Edit2: f**king HELL Rich!

When I suggested that song, I didn't honestly expect you to pull it off! (With however much editting to it you did :P)

I mean.... Good GOD! The only thing to match the immensity of that song would be the riding I just saw.

I only save the best videos, to save clogging up my hard-drive.

That gets a place nestled right between Damon Watson 6, and TRA In High Def.

P.S. - Did I mention? JESUS!

Edited by Flipp
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Now ive had time to calm down and re-group after watching this, i can write a better response.................

.................HOLY CRAP

That boy got skills! ive always said you are one of the best ( if not THE best) Video editors on this forum, well in the trials world, and deffinatly one of the best riders around.

The way you ride is amazing, so much power, so much grrrrr!!! haha, and having seen you ride like this in person, i feel very honoured!

The way you have edited the vid really impressed me, especially with the bits added in of just you, " profile" shots, made it look like a professional video/dvd, and you made he song fit in perfectly.


Scott (Y)(Y)

p.s. stop making vids this good, us non talented editers have to live up to this when we make vids!

p.p.s. Wheres your hair???!!!!!

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My god man,

That was amazing, Loved it, all the moves were huge and editing made it sooo good.

I want more more more...

When i first seen your thumper vids i thot that was mazin, but that Jeeesssusss.

Favourite ride..... Awwww yeahhhh


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