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Travis Barkers Cymbal Set Up.


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Right basically after listening to some of travis barkers drumming his cymbals really have a nice sound i know there zildjian but what exact models and sizes does he use as i want my cymbals to have an amazing sound.

Hi hat???





So help me please as ive looked everywhere to find out what he uses.

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Easy way to spot on videos: Any shiny cymbal that says Zildjian on the bottom is an A Custom. If they say K they are either K or K Custom, K Customs can have a brilliant finish (shiny) unlike the regular K.

I'm sure he changes around his cymbals alot, but it's quite common for drummers to use darker cymbals like K/K Custom in the studio and A Customs live, as they are brighter and come in bigger sizes....

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The best thing to do?

Go into a good drumshop with a plan to buy a certain amount of cymbals, then ask the people there on their opinions are on good setups for the type of music you play and try them out, sometimes even the same exact make of cymbals can sound completely different. The only person that knows what you think sounds good is you.

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The mastersound hihats are most likely A Customs.

The ride is from the A-Zildjian series, one of very few A cymbals to come in brilliant finish.

The Oriental Crash of Doom is from the FX series with red logo.

Rest is K/K Custom as it says, all Zildjian too.

sound clips:

14" A Custom Mastersound Hihat

11" K Custom Hybrid Splash

20" K Crash Ride

22" K Ride

21" A Sweet Ride in Brilliant Finish

20" FX Oriental Crash of Doom

Questions? :P

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