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Dai the Socket

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2 melons

2 mangos

bag of oranges


2 x stir fry veggies

2 x mince

2 x 500g chicken breasts

pistachio nuts

2 x dolmio spaghetti bolognese sause

2 x curry sauce/korma

bottled water

2 x salad bags

2 x steak mmmmm...

6 litre bottle of milk

slab of chese



cant remember the rest but list continues like this

No taps in your house? :P

Think my shopping bill consists of:

Lettuce (not from sainsburys since it was infested in greenfly :sick:)

milk (cravendale was cheaper than sainsburys own this week :D)

jelly (8p stuff)

sainsburys own bread

sainsburys beans/spaghetti

tuna pieces from wilko's (its like £1 for 4)

tesco pasta 3KG

sainsburys own coco pops

15 pack of eggs

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I just spent a tenner at somerfield, but I'm ill so that explains the OJ.

Bread £1

Cheese £2

18 corned beef pasties 80p

12 sausage rolls 80p

2l OJ £2.50

Deodorant £2

I mainly live on pasta and cous cous, the 3KG bags of pasta for a quid are such good value, they last me about 2 months!

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lol, i spend £50 plus on a night quite easily and thats just on booze, let alone the bus/taxi/beer scooter home, the kebab etc. average night out costs £60/£70, had nights out costing £130 when ive been to expensive bars(£3 a shot of aftershock, £3.20 a pint places, sinking £100 aint that bigger orderal there) but then thats part of the reason i aint a student.

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lol, i spend £50 plus on a night quite easily and thats just on booze, let alone the bus/taxi/beer scooter home, the kebab etc. average night out costs £60/£70, had nights out costing £130 when ive been to expensive bars(£3 a shot of aftershock, £3.20 a pint places, sinking £100 aint that bigger orderal there) but then thats part of the reason i aint a student.

Haha f**k that.

I spent £17.50 last night. Not too bad :)

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Haha f**k that.

I spent £17.50 last night. Not too bad :)

1.5 litre bottle of morrisons vodka and entry to a club was it??

i dont really know how i spend so much, but i barely ever buy people drinks(i mean i dont ply a girl with alcohol when i take her out, would say other than for the occasional skint mate, i buy no more than 2 drinks that i dont consume all night.

i can drink upwards of 65 units on a night out without sticking meself in a coma/vomiting/passing out though. which probably explains where most of the money goes.

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1.5 litre bottle of morrisons vodka and entry to a club was it??

i dont really know how i spend so much, but i barely ever buy people drinks(i mean i dont ply a girl with alcohol when i take her out, would say other than for the occasional skint mate, i buy no more than 2 drinks that i dont consume all night.

i can drink upwards of 65 units on a night out without sticking meself in a coma/vomiting/passing out though. which probably explains where most of the money goes.

f**k that. Free entry in to the club 'cos I had a voucher and sold drank a lot quickly :)

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First year/student nights are awesome. My halls were less than a minute's walk from one of the biggest nights of the week with £1/pint/vod&mixer all night. Pretty easy to get twatted AND have change from a tenner for a kebab. The good old days.

Now my mates are more interested in upmarket places in town which cost loads more for a drink and then it's the cost of taxi home again. Humbug :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

vitamins lol

cheap food isnt hard to find. just dont shop at one place. certian things are much cheaper in a number of stores..and avoid the 50 quid nites out. makes counting pennies during the week seem stupid to only blow that much at the weekend

as for cleaning rota. make mess. clean up.

works suprisingly well for me

Edited by future orange 660
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Some good tips in here!

I love Lidl! some real good value stuff.

I did one £50 shop in lidl, and one £20 in tesco at the beginining of term, so ive gone 5 weeks, and only bought bred/milk/bannanas/yogurts/chocolate from the local co-op, so about a fiver a week on that.

Think thats worked out pretty well. Tend to buy lunch most days though, really need to stop that, that gets expensive quick (£3 odd a day, thats £15 a week!)

I have to say, ive been working as a delivery driver for dominoes for the last 3 weeks, and it is actually a great student job.

I work thursday, friday and every other saturday nights. 5.50pm till either they dont need me any more, or closing time (stop orders at 12, tend to leave about 1). Ive been trying to stay late to get mroe money.

Its £5.50 an hour, £1 for every delivery you do (to cover petrol/tax/mot), they supply business insurance while your working, and you get tips too.

Last night, i worked till close, so 7 hours. thats £38.50. I did 22 deliveries, thats £22 and got £8 in tips. So, at the end of the night i got £30 cash in hand to take home, a free large pizza for dinner, and £38.50 will be in my bank account in 2 weeks time! (paid every 2 weeks). I used way less than a tenner of fuel, so made over £60 in one night! bargain!

Tonight was a bit quieter, took £20 home, and stayed till close. still got a free dinner though!

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i can drink upwards of 65 units on a night out

You realize thats approximately 30 pints of Stella.....

Market place is the best place to get veg and fruit from. I drop by about 4-5pm when they are packing up sometimes freebies sometimes I haggle but its always way cheaper than a supermarket.

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Any ways of saving money? How much do people usually spend a week when living in halls....



EDIT Oh and I don't think that a contract phone (£25), Motorbike insurance (£48) and gym membership (£22) a month help much.

This sounds too familiar!

I spend a fair bit, in freshers week I spent over 900 quid. In a week! :o I've calmed down a bit now though, you just have to do everything cheap, buy cheap food from Tescos etc.

The direct debits (car ins, phone, gym) will be what will make it seem worse too. Maybe go to a pay as you go?

How much do you pay for your halls? I'm £94 a week, so just over £400 a month. That usually makes me feel ill when I see that drop out the bank!

I need another job too, the one I have at the moment is sort of seasonal (selling caravan spares) so I do harldy any hours now and litteraly get 150 pound a month for that :(

Also, go home :D Get a nice meal off mum and steal some food. Every little helps!

Edited by Wet Banana
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First year/student nights are awesome. My halls were less than a minute's walk from one of the biggest nights of the week with £1/pint/vod&mixer all night. Pretty easy to get twatted AND have change from a tenner for a kebab. The good old days.

5th Ave?

I just found a spreadsheet i did of my expenditure in the first year and i really wish i could live like that now. £10-15 nights out and all that. Now its lucky if i spend under £40 :(

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Can I ask,

Any suggestions on a cleaning rota of some description?

My kitchen is f**king horrific. Picture coming soon.

tried that in my first year mate. failed miserably, people just arnt arsed about cleaning, and i find there even less likely if someones telling them to do it.

four words

cheap eight pence noodles!

they are amazing, so cheap, yet 2 or 3 packs fills u up :P

also, pasta and rice.

im finding it hard to keep my veg intake up, any suggestions people? i cant be arsed keeping fresh stuff!

fry up a load of veg, whatever you fancy really. I usually go for some corgette, muschrooms, peppers, sweetcorn and a bit of red onion. then just dump that in a bowl with aload of basmati rice. fills you up nice, and bloody good for you!

most of that veg will keep for a week to ten days if you keep it in the bottom of the fridge.

Edited by James
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